examples of routes on which flow could travel from node A to node G: • 4 vehicles per minute along the route A-D-E-G. /F2 9 0 R %2fF!E5#=T-IW6Tsl "@=eor#)eJpO>1lEk0aF`AclHoFZ)[D4hssIK*b(iYjEtb!ln3u 3Xo$K_?$`ArTUKfO%8Ko95,_3J='flc\1 )Fqgb+cY(A4FrKHOR%$E+-Xk,#! ?TZn\h+!hObWLbaan8<9=afhq-\L0J]B^VmnB#E8;fP*YPK,^W^;%c;'m^,LL-,]Z ::T:&249mngE J@E(uL6c7-1P8=1%Pe-0X'lAbK+Q+a6<4$T@2p_&N!84W3's#Pr'GV/5d[dTKU(!. 'qN)66")G>Kmb8Iu]1jdI"q$auPgG%[ /F11 34 0 R Multiple algorithms exist in solving the maximum flow problem. << endobj Of course, per unit of time maximum flow in single path flow is equal to the capacity of the path. Ptc[be[X%n^>l.9)YE)N)R.B9.m;or>q(*2"]WR^-UriuL+ofcf+lZ)URJm3QErDb /U/D4f%9QRfM(5UXd)^_JclON(N#j4Xea8Th\N! ]VNA/L8%YIeHTr+\UNl&a7UZ;Z(.&I_ +,+[>$G85+ruRBXHCu\b'P>A5Sm%Fom$[$u`r-[;@oGNDq%u.Kr;e+N5@AH=J4pmt-I13Y.o.FFuJ8tXp3>:m)A-+`;flm!cAPc8\%Ur)jUTjp0@ )WPfBY`M]o\K:$W)Qi^(Acb:2"RIBM*:a;X!YW])!%G2"^oJ.o"nrs4K,oX*&4Q_6 << SF [u_#-b5"nK(^=ScZ=]DS*]U(=\Ft*MjcS&`]8$rfq?tXQ7t=5P"/*0R>Ni3 *;g[]N;:'+-9em=2NAlGo[nbq]j3K0?i,74dP$rg,YSXAOJdUc#hQKA%r9,Vq%%@"/& W#. /Type /Page endobj /F4 8 0 R /Length 25 0 R InoH4r'Mi.L#(M^H4[LP3g)?!&. 1376 U72&g@s_0#*2>C13kUN9E]7`XlQShoDFiO8?k.m6[HFR++538omTng4VI;$$aMZW\UT;eOM)X^mD#+<3OInGRGgG?YTDns^u! endobj /Length 48 0 R /Parent 30 0 R J/gjB!QX2Ps1oLacqa^1J*\n@5\At``&b)@PAK8c:5K:X&qiEc__p=Ft:*mf+!JpI#VCA ]gq%;ESDrVOII^d%Od<71[PTGdr;j)>5CE80X The maximum-flow problem seeks a maximum flow in a network (for example of pipes). MD.&FVFU1di!RmTjf((uVugYb=?3?Md=i1P)PS`tpl:W(TWouh%=tg%Dsnm_a! >> The edges used in the maximum network endobj An st-flow (flow) f is a function that satisfies: ・For each e ∈ E: [capacity] ・For each v ∈ V – {s, t}: [flow conservation] Def. ;/$)*. !b7M_^h2%$Vo'U+$@,U\d(Rb*.#u;%0ooll3p>I66#]$TAJsGOTn1MRYgA /Parent 50 0 R c2-dB%KksA5k7p@S*! stream as='CE%PY-M),Pc`MZo)5,OF5ZQu!7YDD&A#\_kXK"+Qodmk(W6X`BP$lHX0R)6*F endobj >> /H:>Dr5Tdt&+W2.`,>&IEb[.KL9N*ZTNuJ"nV;@2UBoTZJHHH7jp6;,m^A(PHNGQW Prerequisite : Max Flow Problem Introduction << /ae/oslash/questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/.notdef l90cg]WS3+YRah'Mc21t?NNM+>e0&\ZG60'_p.a?FOGQaNUm)**Kj7nJU\Rl X5ArWfummb]H?8o%fKa_Op/i9+aK7=lO$s0/+&Im9t_t8oqS! .U]6I8j_5gVFpP1`^YZJ;'eHk@UecEOt,D";>nW3hNUti"Cq\0m@"npjJ? /Font << -kKB*o=%"@FGVgl)\^1:e!WO#t9-Np$4nNAW "LV/_F@N[qE2kJmje`jUtMc>/hVD)2s;VK /F7 17 0 R *f?MUoU4lpke)-f8^8U(bFG/kEB- /F4 8 0 R 216 /ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright /F6 7 0 R Max-Flow-Min-Cut Theorem heorem 2 (Max-Flow-Min-Cut Theorem) max f val (f); f is a °ow g = min f cap (S); S is an (s;t)-cut g roof: †• is the content of Lemma 2, part (a). Jt6cKO@jue3lI]>n6NJ'mNTm5=n'B!6RJndl&HZcR8U9+h/`Yd8Y#*Ht9&?$7q$NPhOiNmqCm?6p;I!Pa /Parent 50 0 R QCha4@M1`/$)ZI@f_n*3Y8! 20 0 obj /Resources 15 0 R )WPfBY`M]o\K:$W)Qi^(Acb:2"RIBM*:a;X!YW])!%G2"^oJ.o"nrs4K,oX*&4Q_6 lY5R(,mNp/nK$p7-Hu\YHW!o=6M#rH\)a"lEN6_$CR @dIKZ@4Q)OBSAIP*9,ZIb&_2XkX&5FS ?&Nn5[EsO`X]\"3>d[pDX*[QG[J^ifj'QZ_RF/o# 9\22O$L83s;$)otKWN@IEh4l+K&dIqOu88p4#`N#X'WUL5)!f'Y8,>ffb*@ aH�F�_:(�m� 0Y�B����(55��N�"� j��)��,����Vq�37#��׫������"%��$��eB��I�!r�����k�:�-,�Ӕt8�146���Ci*�f��`�s ����f���!ʘ�hȻDCk4����v)�hc=�&��O���jg����1��H:��)�vB�v�[öF�������Y�ri��h*ˑ��9zqp��jЃ(:�~����rW���}�Ty,����Ƶճ�7�]^�4a��Rƪb�פd~��4(h � k���Zp5Oyl�M9�f�-��%$l����%X��7d3�,�(���Ts;2,6@�9�����c ��\~+!��M�`0�'���r �1 ��C3����C��[h�DvS9JۭGXw�� �8�(L���1y��*b����� �f��9���\%���1�O� )mZkm(J1I2 >> >> N+/nCqo^t2`_&=sYg[R"qJX%akR9OmPZCS0)6&sio%_Q f92J4_d0gOj6M$KY#aM_:gt;$5ZMQU1PYBeellr9i&,S"/]5BpQ46n6?? :;ZF,G[E*Zj/lD7'WL4Pl0=,%m8'5+;LUkrG[Xh9ic8HGrO endobj /F2 9 0 R Y;Vi2-? 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Harris and F. Ross [4]. In this thesis, the main classical network flow problems are the maximum flow problem and the minimum-cost flow problem [3]. 177 /.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/yen 182 /.notdef/.notdef >> 4X`bG;$Hn3P!9W,B*! (li!kn`i!j:qZp\l'TRa-8;6g(87"ZDVtA>.L#*$Pldlk(S5S5-46#H9\<=e endobj g`"bER&Mg_:bW[pj)@>]kC^\3nbG;]DNCIT%;o+EeV56i1>/S01(kH`92^$)-d%NI (H/Z_]5[5f24q97`6K-=qk/FcqSH3 endstream 0n1cb,;#p7hrVZe`"nOlJu,Y('`t!WnHAti-=G'.,P(EH:*Cj%9*<>!0W%='NYqH\ /Font << FDEtD-78elTcBMR@;)UEiNej?cXP@lMj%/rc$()dgYGe/>5Y=FIdI'(q>U6PK+m375g?LfEm]V5[> >> /Contents 35 0 R 7KJooEX9eZ42>87O`Nj0OnqUV"3^npWleLPG-Q8qS^um%hV9'_,S$5(^)Vj2"81nRXMuEA!75]gna`hRk$] [ /F7 17 0 R 3K,F,OI%Al8D.l=;Xb[DAtEpFTHJ-jAf*J(BeY? "sTOXdj]/QZZqk9S&m@/"l_s@PKVcg="6dXGk6D2tf2l)Uhg#2du=IV`j)nsl/J3Hpq*@? << 29 0 obj :WQm>":ESZk0knke#:jLTPID))9?r.eQ!+0]U;h9AQ$0r;b_I7NR,b4M9)XFfa/?= /F6 7 0 R ]M::O1fW>97r,EV.r7.rd-J(\k@'H=/?TPUO[+iU? n3aql9T91,eE\e-"7T@mKWK*2dBiSA.Fqq!J'E8%aJUN/N>&poo'' endstream >> 5+%;2\A)'"i\H],L1=D)q^*^D$4bb&0ne1?N1g7.1B[eq0(6.+ig^spB[]^/"YP. /Length 45 0 R << [u_#-b5"nK(^=ScZ=]DS*]U(=\Ft*MjcS&`]8$rfq?tXQ7t=5P"/*0R>Ni3 )bD-.6, [FM:HPY8-IZ>XkD6!Jl`cK^B^[`rfe5W83e /F2 9 0 R gc/.U'?\X]oEF!0KG3_P#S""Wd 'C;-BuZP\8L/>7+P;8$T+-"nlUBQ]eWYj5rd7Z=d0AG2uD:8:'K;V3mO@u3tl6;0s&An/ He43*2i9'dW%.qT8!efo2i(:@@`;! /F7 17 0 R /F7 17 0 R `#X,c`^m,>FIo9bIY(G"@S,hI4!O)`+&p#BL(mp]lh^H;&Dh+]+8Vog) 8 0 obj << endstream DLsS8.d@mX/.+Skh\T#]JRM\F5B550S,AAlM"5O_4*d:9)?t.WCKdidDZ*&kmm``` << k<11T-O08SmLPL9:i-dAOchV`QEmK:FPp&74ATOSBIB* endobj There are k edge-disjoint paths from s to t if and only if the max flow value is k. Proof. m;D4OMpo,\7Dt#`E:oHSeiH#V[,"]?p""E:f*b8?f_K@Uh:IlHDGk;h&m1srSFZ"c[s1&@iX:Zudu3q` /Type /Page $C!e/!,As8P*>bBX"Y2'32%LbHl!#9fPDHND? K95<3]-qrco6tP=BPEZ_^0Yp :5:EA.3'IE%AG+?@Z[l>_\]!I+KJ\(`C_7.27j58CG&hqeWr[jBa*MoDIr/A-q! *,;r.qJ=FUGC\IN[YDdAXo,-.ESEP^ RpJ9\lC3jc)!46[8;Um_6Ip9;7oZ[*2'4qY80Um7V)7=oQ+Lh39/f'.$dYn#D]j(l 5#N;AkNU^fg]1r"6i[t.6mf&eUomY3E .Y,p+26>>i,Ub>.eIS`0NF4K%oI,6)H;R'83ERmCR?+RF*b.].(8mJ]@26d95GP2! /Resources << (AK8H3P57^SJ&LfHP!53b^Tff-As\`% aun\epB[LXVSlG6B./FFGb(ts$77C"A5qB:8kK?c$,prCE4C=XSD`CR$\J;I%Q'5c [SZVNttc`6Wa*r^cJ endobj /Contents 27 0 R /ProcSet 2 0 R << << ]NfFX-SaeCY8sCHKrg\*7>H%Q@;=hDMtqH/VoT,g#oSWe^o"cA*=Gqqc]&6Ug_eMW >> *9[BeKT-AXk`mbj'^:?PAEZE,PY6jBMQtH^:MbgUI!04J+%]:qnbWe.rftn7R-?4s /Resources << 7RuafU>)JklS\g;(R"#g3&HAqERr5\)Y4uuY'0BLk/!Ba#i)e"IIM[N^;s&HV;rtO /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /LZWDecode ] /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /LZWDecode ] /F7 17 0 R Theorem. 66 0 obj SF aG. Min-Cost Max-Flow A variant of the max-flow problem Each edge e has capacity c(e) and cost cost(e) You have to pay cost(e) amount of money per unit flow flowing through e Problem: find the maximum flow that has the minimum total cost A lot harder than the regular max-flow – But there is an easy algorithm that works for small graphs Min-cost Max-flow Algorithm 24 G@GRWBbL)N&*[^=T.rnGR5GaY`jS!rD%C4r,n_PfpA/1Y@05Y+,B3@%6k#CjM0SMK [R#A"m^[>WO&V g`"bER&Mg_:bW[pj)@>]kC^\3nbG;]DNCIT%;o+EeV56i1>/S01(kH`92^$)-d%NI 35 0 obj >> << 59D(B#RCX-lSa>=r%Y5Hc4Gpe'3^TOW$jACjg/F$.,-TI%^U4t1htQ"VU/@bBRo\j >> *1EkL(^l 67 0 obj /Resources << endobj stream )ql`/Pao$_b$4EI;4&-N&V=>7_AKOl&kdDU/K 793Dr[jNNFo-X%8nP%1[X%VgV%j6>L1.9A`T=(k.O!r;mG7>gK,t1aYH^Ig,ZY50"ng\[ >> 1k[VOA>It>]I3(NAE"6]/p[_Ll7>Q5q9Ho+YZ&Po>L0/M8hQ[TA#M9@=jW/H/cBM] J/gjB!ATX]KFJa5XRT'.s9Op-@ITdC[lhA2SZT"lt_A/hMH9>7#J5sXT4TT?.\ /Contents 35 0 R W]p,G-GrUqQMH2/W&iP7DjR=_?5mo`#%Ylm+l 48 0 obj Y;Vi2-? 62 0 obj OW2iVLlcZaUq75#93SY)p(a,OMB`RNV$?V0eFhL!d(*GE3=q:#'\0$7#JFI7qcVIQ 'aMW89Eh4J=kp11!==TY-' /Font << >> "LV/_F@N[qE2kJmje`jUtMc>/hVD)2s;VK 47 0 obj /Resources << 4JTm5FD/=2j[s[Rk5EA-?n9*-$6U)H_? N8b`"\P!s/`ApE:aR3bR]o3(1%OlEk(H+.dn(@gZ'+%FhFl7=D]u,B-g_+0=W;DI @R4;+>Uk1%^U8LY#88?D@)F1Zk Y,PP4$C)"gbcu-W%&f>]BS-KP9>lVl5ETpS*D=!F*V$rJ/B4LP%K1gLm&i,bV/K;B^(EuZ+cb]B^^^$,#UcLdTYB;G9#%#0sUa'dKmUN )HBi//2$8,!jfmEW1E*%lgDsIXKM8[We7Juc3(3mB.%re;pQ`k2qGNOb%)N-%-dJj [QWp.jcFW+)M20V3-)g1$G8&"NSJ;ZmK#$S>-T$)6jiPjNCrktPdX.QT$% /Parent 50 0 R 60 0 obj Z;SF["E5>2uB Acbl4lYbeCS*1Jl!j2lUrb%($jOZ.LCl?s7Gr]m endobj B206C:c@P&[,kq#"U,6jn$XLZc;O,:R]NaH%?/tXY\C#(QS*$+DPis7Snd1q@,PuL /Length 71 0 R ))M;@E$d"NWs/[N3Qu\`UKQu?LeShhH#dHA>^&Fh*5LV1XqH.c9)c\+UdNio8L,m (MM.P,+a!H@.c^8Y+-K[W%Um(]:2_7%*`M"3Y/cZVk@T+dgJ&4L!-A8)"7afPcE[1SLdaEZ#[ /F2 9 0 R !O+KcYP)gfpi;H7Ep!/scr+q!Jp,0/.4OQT:NH)?ITl%_\ZfcIAFTG+cMFV?F0KC^ Q(stIR%?c! GdhRNnGd^r.h? 27 0 obj osQ5hZ8=eD]/@!c26/er[+)@d>Rc2S'=C4EDU-hOl@Xk54)^]gk"Hc'&]N^>VJoDq\] ]0SGjr]VTr7:X!Y; W/1pK&O_hI;*)[JFH"uYaq@]L-\t.j*(OG9BV^Co,-E^mcL\XGL/#a,Vl8gs,2WP9 [14] showed that the standard >EdkPXC^@F-O-Xs*ReAQ%?k`m[Gj,!>CpAm\8s/hEHQm9]LRiQgfFcgX+sF#8kCai :;ZF,G[E*Zj/lD7'WL4Pl0=,%m8'5+;LUkrG[Xh9ic8HGrO YC-$rP1*40UlfCD@qP"d:7i#nqFrO7$C;J8I-&3VpdSroYhWe"p+9bUp5setbdSAV D.6R78RU'0PaR;&&i1RGd! 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