The Essenes did not recognize Jesus as Messiah, but they thought that the Teacher of Righteousness would himself be an Essene. Adib al-Shishakli in 1954. As a corollary to that, the Druzes consider all former religions, including Christianity, Judaism and. In his dramatic work entitled "The Return of the Druzes," Browning tells the story of one of these impostors. De Essenen waren een joodse religieuze stroming die actief was tussen ± 150 v.Chr. Kamal Jumblatt, a prominent Druze leader, enjoyed broad appeal through his charisma. Also follow the DNA trail of the Ashkenazi Jews. The Neo-Platonic character of Moslem Ṣūfism has been rendered clear by the contributions of two English scholars, E. G. Browne and R. A. Nicholson. In 1925 Druze leader Sulṭān al-Aṭrash led a revolt against French rule. Druze Times is a digital media and news platform that aims to increase the happiness and wellbeing of Druze people across the world. The Druze still do not permit conversion, either away from or to their religion. Druze have a strong sense of community, and they consider themselves related, even across country borders. The encyclopaedic author of al-Fihrist 4 ( 996) quotes at some length from an archaic version. Essenes is similar to these topics: Sadducees, Jerusalem during the Second Temple Period, Jewish Christian and more. So did the Ismāīliyyah prophets. 54-55. From the supreme God there proceed a number of beings in a descending scale of dignity who are arranged in pairs, male and female.". This "hidden Imām" idea was carefully worked out by many of the extreme Shīah sects prior to Druzism, and reached its most elaborate expression as a doctrine in the Ismāīliyyah group. In 2011, however, he backed the pro-Syrian Hezbollah in Lebanon’s political crisis. Learn more about the Druze in … 28:2 Al-Fiṣal fi al-Milal (Cairo, 1317 A.H.). Al-Baghdādi 4 devotes a chapter to the incarnational sects (al-Ḥulūliyyah) and enumerates ten different ones. BTW the closest religious group to the Druze believes is the extinct group of Essenes and John the baptist son of Zacharia is the second important prophet in the Druze faith after Jethro of Midian or "Nevi Shu'aibe" Read this very long article "The Forbidden Fifth Science" , it's very interesting ! 34:3 There was a hierarchy of missionaries graded into Dāi, Madhūn, and Mukāsir. A peculiar sect of Manichaeanism, Mazdakiyyah, seems to have exercised tremendous influence over the Moslem sects. The theory was first promulgated by Ḥamzah, Kashf al-Haqāiq and in other MSS. 44-50, 55-7f. The Nuṣayriyyah, who preceded the Druzes and had early contacts with them, as attested by the Druze manuscripts, 5 and who are represented until the present day by three villages 6 in the Druze district at Wādi-al-Taym, deify Ali. 2. Explore more on Druze. Many Druze religious practices are kept secret, even from the community as a whole. Frank Cass, London. In his Epistle to Emperor Constantine and in the one entitled "Christianity," Bahā-al-Dīn confuses John the Evangelist with John the Baptist and John Chrysostom. Likewise the legislative prophets are seven, their substitutes are seven and the intervening Imāms between one legislator and the other are seven." Only an elite of initiates, known as ʿuqqāl (“knowers”), participate fully in their religious services and have access to the secret teachings of the scriptures, Al-Ḥikmah al-Sharīfah. The Druze Faith. . cit., 79-80; ibn-Khallikān, op. 2, Following their spiritual ancestors, the Ismāīliyyah, the Druzes also believe in seven heavens, seven seas, seven earths and seven hidden Imāms. At that point, proselytism ended, and the Druze ceased to recognize conversions to the faith. 2 They still hold that he is in a state of temporary occultation. In the polemic literature of Islam, and particularly in the works of al-Baghdādi 1 ( 1037 A.D.), ibn-Ḥazm 2 ( 1063) and al-Shahrastāni 3 ( 1153), we have preserved for us among the semi-religious, semi-philosophical sects of unorthodox Islam the names of many groups with incarnational theories which may be considered the prototypes of the Druze al-Ḥakīm cult. e.g. VI, 246-247. The doctrine of "Opposers," or the simultaneous revelation of the Deity in a good principle and an evil principle, parallels the Zoroastrian dualistic doctrine and reminds us of the Syzygy theory in the pseudo-Clementines. In July 2018, when the Israeli Knesset enacted a law with constitutional weight that enshrined Israel as a Jewish state, the Druze led the backlash; they claimed the law made them second-class citizens and was a betrayal to their dedication and service to the country. 39:3 F. C. Burkitt, The Religion of the Manichees (Cambridge University Press, 1925), pp. 3, To this same sphere of thought should be consigned the recent Bahāi theory of divine manifestations which is an outgrowth of Bābi and Sheikhite ideas which in turn flourished in the fertile Shīah soil of Persia. The Disappearance and Triumphal Return of al-Ḥākim:Closely allied to the incarnational theory, and working out as a corollary from it, was the belief in the immortal character of the Imām in whose case "disappearance" (ghaybah) takes the place of death and whose final "return" (rajah) is expected so that he may lead his people in triumph to a new and happy age. See Goldziher, Vorlesungen, pp. 42:1 Cairo edition (20 vols. 26:2 Dhayl Kitāb Tajārib al-Umam, ed. The Essenes hid themselves away from society in the wilderness. Al-Ḥākim as the Messiah:Having determined the antecedents of the Druze incarnational dogma in the preceding Islamic thought, our next task is to push back our query into the intellectual ancestry of that Islamic idea in the pre-Islamic realm of thinking. Solving the 2,000 Year Old Mystery of the Druze. But the "Brethren of Purity" have perhaps contributed more than any one else towards the introduction into and the formulation of the emanation-demiurge idea in Islam, and that because through their religious philosophic works, 3 which were encyclopaedic in their character, they not only gave technical expression in Arabic to the foreign concepts involved but popularized the concepts and gave the expressions currency. 37:2 E. Blochet, Le Messianisme, op. 32:3 Le mahométisme, le génie sémitique et le génie aryen dans lIslam (Paris, 1898), p. 112. (No publication date available.) The present study is based on twenty or more original manuscripts, many of which are in the Robert Garrett collection at Princeton University. Like his father, he was often placed in the position of kingmaker in the country. 29:5 Recherches sur la domination arabe, le chiitisme et les croyances messianiques sous le khalifat des omayyades (Amsterdam, 1894), pp. of a Buddhist book. The Druze … 4 The Zoroastrian influence is further shown by the reference to God as the "light" with the opposing principle as the "darkness." RESPONSE: Great question! And whereas many eminent scholars in recent times, chief among whom stands the late Ignacz Goldziher of the University of Budapest, have addressed themselves to the task of analyzing the component elements that entered into the composition of Sunni (orthodox) and Shīite Islam, the Druze sect still remains without an interpreter in the field of the history of religion. I, pp. This article was most recently revised and updated by, Jewish Virtual Library - The Druze in Israel : History and Overview, Minority Rights Group International - Druze, Harvard Divinity School - Religious Literacy Project - Druze in Syria, Druze - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Druze - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). 0 0. 24:1 Court de Gebelin in Monde primitif, t. 8, p. 3, tries to make it a branch of "Sabéisme." ; p. 185. Most of these manuscripts are written in a language which from the standpoint of diction, grammar and style is quite far from the language of the Koran and bristles with contradictory and obscure passages, cryptic phrases, and ambiguous words. The Mufawwaḍiyyah 2 (the Believers in Entrusting) taught that God had entrusted Muḥammad with the creation and management of the universe, but Muḥammad in turn entrusted Ali with the task. After Jumblatt’s assassination in 1977, his son Walid took over the political leadership of the Druze community in Lebanon. 32:2 See G. van Vloten, "Zur Abbasidengeschidite," ZDMG, LII, 218 seq. Jumblatt was given several cabinet posts throughout his political career; he was appointed minister of the interior because his pull with various communities put him in a unique position to manage the internal affairs of the country. Al-Shahrastāni (II, 29) informs us that the Bāṭiniyyah and Qarāmiṭah in al-Irāq were called "Mazdakites.". And the Zindīq monks, described by al Jāḥiẓ, 2 were, according to Goldziher, "Either Indian Sadhus, or Buddhist monks or at least their imitators." De druzen (Arabisch: droez دروز; Hebreeuws: דרוזים - droeziem) vormen een religieuze gemeenschap, leden er van wonen in Syrië, Libanon, Israël en Jordanië.Ze spreken Arabisch en volgen een sociaal patroon dat sterk lijkt op dat van de Arabieren in de regio, maar ze beschouwen zich vaak niet als Arabier. ; De Lacy OLeary, Arab Thought and its Place in History (London, 1922), p. 193; L. Massignon, al-Ḥallāj (Paris, 1922), vol. 469-472. The monumental piece of Arabic literature al-Aghāni 1 has left us at least one portrayal of an unmistakable Buddhistic view of life. The Israeli Druze are a religious and ethnic minority among Arab citizens of Israel. 35:2 See Goldziher, "Neuplatonische and gnostische Elemente im Ḥadīt," Zeitschrift für Assyriologie (1909), XXII, 317 seq. 39:2 Louis Ginzberg, article "Adam Kadmon," Jewish Encyclopaedia. 8, In the Druze catechism, al-Ḥakīm is repeatedly identified with "the living Messiah." 7 Ali-God adherents are also to be found today in a sect of Turcoman peasants at Qars (Ardaghān) whose very name "Ali-Ilāhi" 8 betrays their characteristic belief. In spite of al-Darāzī’s death, outsiders continued to attach his name to the movement as al-Darāziyyah and al-Durūz. His office, as the Arabic name indicates, is one of breaking up and destroying. His deportment becomes dignified and reserved. They are the only Arab group conscripted into the Israel Defense Forces, and they participate in Israel’s border security and diplomatic corps. The stories of the assumption of Moses and the ascension of Isaiah in the non-canonical literature of the Bible might have served, as stimuli. Also the heavens are seven, the earths are seven, the climates are seven, the height of man by his own span is seven, and the orifices in his face are seven. Sulṭān al-Aṭrash, leader of the Druze revolt against French rule. The Druze community, more correctly known as the Muwahideen, number close to 120,000 in Israel. Modern European Semitic scholars, led by Ignacz Goldziher, have, however, been inclined to underrate the eastern influence. He later served briefly as a parliamentary speaker in 1965 until his arrest in 1966. The human figure serves only as a veil to hide the divine essence behind. Hence with the Druzes, al-Ḥakīm is not only the incarnation of God but the final and most perfect manifestation, having been preceded by nine others among whom figure al-Bār (Barkhoda), Ali and the ancestors of al-Ḥakīm in the Fāṭimite Caliphate. Seven Major Prophets:Next in rank to the divine ministers in the Druze hierarchy stand the prophets. ninety years ago and before many original sources were brought to light, gives us an excellent internal interpretation of the Druze religion but does not go far in disentangling the different fibers in the intricate and complex web of the system and in tracing them back to the remote origins in the various religions or philosophical and metaphysical schools of thought. Blavatsky is aware of this. The largest concentration of Druze in the present day is in Lebanon. ., is it not then meet to believe that our Lord [al-Ḥakīm] is a more worthy means through whom God manifests to the world his power and behind whom he conceals himself?" Regarding the mystic nature of the number seven, Bahā-al-Dīn reasons thus: "Everything when it gets to be seven ends and should be replaced by another. 5 A further working out of this same principle in the Druze system is in the case of the, creation of the prophets where many of them have "Opposers." In this dogma, as in the others, the Druzes were no originators. According to Druze doctrine the "return" of al-Ḥakīm will result in the triumph of the Unitarian religion and the worldly reward of its adherents, who will thus become high office-holders, to the discomfiture and affliction of all infidels and apostates who are then metamorphosed into menial servants, swine and dogs. 29:2 Yāqūt, Mujam al-Udabā, ed. This can be ascertained from the meaning of the Arabic names applied to them and from a study of corresponding officials in the Bāṭiniyyah system, which was one of the best and most efficiently organized systems of religious propaganda that Islam ever developed. The Uqqāl are also called "Sheikhs," 5 an Arabic word connoting old age, seniority and respect. 27:1 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. John preached Jesus as the Messiah. cit., pp. In the meantime an "Opposer" (Ḍudd) 2 is created by the same process of emanation, a kind of antagonist to the "Universal Mind," whose object it is to nullify the work of the Mind. This doctrine was handed down to the Moslems probably through Manichaean channels. Prior to the rise of Druzism, different Shīah sects have held different shades of the belief that Ali and his successor Imāms were infallible supernatural beings endowed to some degree with the divine essence. Competing with the Jumblatts in leadership of the Druze has been the Arslan family, often found on the opposite side of Lebanese politics. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Corrections? cit. There are about 1 million Druze around the world, with most of them living in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Jordan. To the high rank of enlightened Uqqāl, no one can aspire whose character has not marked him out as one entirely trustworthy and capable of extreme secrecy. 28:5 An early Druze MS. al-Radd ala al-Risālah al-Dāmighah li-al-Fāsiq al-Nuṣayri was written by Ḥamzah to refute the charges of a Nuṣayri. Most of the Druze in Syria arrived from Lebanon in the 18th century and settled around Al-Suwaydāʾ in the region of Jabal al-Durūz (the Druze Mountains), where the vast majority of Druze in Syria continue to live today. Like Neo-Platonism and Gnosticism, the Nuṣayriyyah assume an agent of creation, a demiurge, in the person of Ali. 3 The list of substitutes includes Ishmael, Aaron, Simon and Ali, and that of disciples, Enoch, Daniel, Plato and other biblical and Greek characters. 292-329. The great ibn-Khaldūn and before him al-Shahrastāni 3 blame the incarnational Moslem heresy on Judaeo-Christian sects. Friedlaender, Journal American Oriental Society, XXIX, I 16. Here again the male and female principles are represented in these ministers in their relation one to the other, and to the upper hierarchy. This Moslem Mahdi idea was subjected to Semitic Judaeo-Christian Messianic influences on the one hand, and, in its later development, to Iranian-Mandaean influences. 36-37. When the… that Shīah sprang up on Persian Irāqi soil, that its chief protagonists have been mostly Persian, and that until the present day it constitutes the state religion of the kingdom of Persia. Druze abstain from wine and tobacco, as there are clear prohibitions against any practice that could involve profanity of their religion. 29:6 Vorlesungen über den Islam (2nd ed., Heidelberg, 1925), pp. 32:6 Ibid., p. 16; al-Shahrastāni, op. They are secretive community , secret religion , live in Galilee in the north of Israel. Al-Ḥākim disappeared mysteriously in 1021, and the movement was persecuted under his successor, al-Zāḥir. Origins of the Druze People and Religion, by Philip K. Hitti, [1924], at, Various Hypotheses:As in the case of determining the racial origins of the Druze people, so in the case of ascertaining the origin of their religion, all kinds of theories, some curious and amusing, others fantastic and naïve, have been proposed. 35:4 Recognitiones, III, S9, 61; Homilies, II, I S. 35:5 Cf. Shaykh al-Aql and the Druze of Mount Lebanon. Even though the faith originally developed out of Ismaili Islam, Druze do not identify as Muslims. De Essenen worden soms gelijkgesteld met de sekte in Qumran (zie verderop), vlak bij de Dode Zee , omdat Plinius de Oudere schreef dat de Essenen bij de Dode Zee woonden. the Karbiyyah doctrine in al-Baghdādi, ed. H. H. Milman (a new edition in five volumes, New York, 1845), IV, 173. Adam for instance has Ḥārith ibn-Tarmāḥ against him. Following the Ismāīliyyah precedent, Ḥamzah, in his Kitāb al-Naqḍ al-Khafi, went so far as to abolish the so-called five pillars of Islam, including fasting, pilgrimage and almsgiving, and substituted for them four articles of faith relating to the knowledge of God, of Ḥamzah, the ministers, and the seven moral precepts. From the Jesus of the druze and essenes still do not permit conversion, either away from Society in the Others the... Century, does not even mention the Druzes, '' Browning tells the story of one of these is... `` Neuplatonische and gnostische Elemente im Ḥadīt, '' is introduced by a `` Licensed '' or ``. Death, outsiders continued to write pastoral letters elaborating Druze doctrine until 1043 for this email, are. Even mention the Druzes were no originators of kamal Jumblatt as forerunners and varied types Druzism. 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