Physical and chemical properties of, Table 10. Some of the commercial varieties of Black Gram includes that of LBG-20, T-9, Uttara, LBG-623, KU-91-2, Vamban-2, Azad Urid-2, KU-3-1, WBG-26, WBU-108, TU-94-2, ADT-5, Azad-1, Azad-3, M-391, DU-1, IPU-2-43, Mash-114, Mash-479, WBU-109, PU-31, PU-40, Sekhar-1, Sekhar-2, Sekhar-3, LBG-7658 and LBG-752. STABILITY ANALYSIS OF YIELD IN BLACK GRAM Article Id: ARCC1301 | Page : 152 - 153. Moreover, this paper also suggests that continuous and effective efforts are required to enhance the yield as well as costal area under cultivation of pulses. India is the major consumer, producer and highest importer of pulses. Green gram is a store of nutrients and is a hardy pulse crop. Copier Toner for NP-1500_ 300 Gram Cartridge_ Yield 8_500_ Black: Office Products. To evolve technologies for maximizing productivity by proper agronomic management practices in with breadmaking quality, high grain yield, and adequate lodging resistance. SO.1556(E)/11.06.2015. It possesses desirable characters like high protein content (21.05%), crude fibre (5.90g/100g) and iron (3.76 mg/100g). In future, using innovative technologies to develop the varieties with higher yield as well as biofortified micronutrients such as Iron and Zinc could be helps to prevent malnutrition deficiencies in peoples from India and South East Asia. Curl Virus diseases. This variety was released for rainfed condition. In 20, NPRC, Vamban the culture VBG 09-005 recorded. This paper analyses status of pulses growth, production and productivity strategies of pulses, constrains and possibilities of pulse production in India and coastal regions of Tamil Nadu. High yield; Moderately This culture is resistant to Yellow Mosaic Virus, Powdery mildew and Leaf Curl Virus and less damage of pod borer. Sowing and Spacing in Black Gram Seed Cultivation:- The Black Gram seeds are sown @ 2 cm depth with a spacing of 10 cm and 30 cm between rows in main field. Since conventional breeding has several constraints2, in vitro culture methods would serve as platform to produce black gram cultivars with desirable charac-ters by genetic engineering techniques. In current situation, enhancing the pulse production with various new prediction models of innovative technologies for maximising the production of green gram and black gram in coastal areas is highly essential. The stem is branched and the plant has a bushy appearance. Canstar is resistant to powdery mildew and is adapted to the field pea growing regions of western Canada. Amongst the breeding lines evaluated, 2BRD-2, 3BRD-18, 3BRD-9, 4BRD-1, 6BRD-9, 7BRD-7, 7BRD-12, 8BRD-20, E-19, PM-5 recorded resistant reaction and 5BRD-14 and 7BRD-13 recorded moderate resistance to MYMV with less than 10 per cent PDI value. disease; Central variety release, High yield and 18. More than 100 farmers participated in the field day. Land is prepared like any other kharif season pulse crop. MDU 1. Advisory A new variety blackgram called Vamban 6 has been developed at the National Pulses Research Centre, Vambam, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. This crop is subjected to various biotic and abiotic stresses which limit its productivity.4 Severe yield losses in black gram corps, caused by a … The grain yield is around 600 kg/ha when rainfed and 750 kg/ha when irrigated. 1994. and also, in black gram Vamban 8. BLACK GRAM (URAD, ULUNDU) Vigna mungo (2n = 22, 24) ... Co2, Vamban 1, 2 and 3. Organic fungicide like Trichoderma viridi is also available for pulses @ 4 grams/kg. for rice fallows of Andra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Odisha. 840. Karnataka Vamban-3, CORG-9701, ICPL-84031, BRG-2, Maruti (ICP-8863), WRP-1, Asha (ICPL 87119), TS-3, KM 7 . & FW, & ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur Potential Yield (FLD Result) It is observed that in general average potential yield gap between FLD and farmer’s local check yield is about 32%. In Multilocational trial the culture VBG04-008 has recorded 783 kg/ha which is 15.31 and 11.55 per cent increase over the checks ADT 5 (679 kg/ha) and CO 5 (702 kg/ha) ( Table 1). Suitable irrigated season in Odisha, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Germination studies was conducted with black gram seed varieties (ADT-3, ADT-5, Vamban-3, Vamban-5 and Co-6) treated with different concentrations (control, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % ) of sugar mill effluent. Secondary spread is through air-borne oidia produced in the season. Leaf crinkle virus, powdery mildew. India produces approximately 1.5 million tons of gram seeds per year, with other big producers being Myanmar and Thailand. Advisory irrigated season in. It has a yield potential of 981 Kg per hectare. 4. Powdery mildew diseases. 1200. Dwarf type. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. variety recorded 871 kg/ha with 23.20 and 25.87 per cent yield increase over the above checks varieties. It possesses desirable characters like high protein content (21.1%). The seeds must be sown early in the month of June to avoid early incidence of the disease on the crop. and 22.28 per cent over the check varieties VBN 6 (857 kg/ha) and CO 6 (808 kg/ha) respectively. These ABLs could be further used in resistant breeding programmes. and root rot diseases, High yield and resistance, including interspecific hybridization, and induced mutations, as well as the genetics of resistance are treated along with suggestions for future breeding strategies of these crops. Embarking to embank the mungbean from MYMV attack through inbuilding MYMV resistance by conventional breeding with the help of molecular tools. ADB 2003 x VBG 66 (Culture:ACM 07002) 2014 70 - 75- 790. It possesses desirable characters like high protein content (24.16%). in field bunds, higher grain weight, resistant to YMV and stemfly. pods / plant (37.15), yield of black gram (1162 kg ha−1), and benefit cost ratio (2.98) over the other treatments. Conference, New Delhi, 18-22 October 2005. Resistant to YMV and of Agri. Office Products. rot and leaf crinkle and to stem fly. Abstract. resistant to yellow mosaic virus disease and moderately resistant to powdery India is the world’s largest producer as well as consumer of black gram. Performance of blackgram VBN 8 (VBG, Table 8. In India green revolution was achieved only in rice and wheat with maximum yield, whereas yield and production of pulses is poorly increased and population is increased rapidly. season in South zone states viz., Andra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) is an important nutritious legume plant, the loess plateau with strong drought tolerance and broad adaptability.To understand the adaptation mechanism of black gram under simulatedlevels of drought (5, 10 and 20% PEG) stress, and the growth characteristics, physiological parameters including levels of chlorophyll content, reactive oxygen … Skip to main content Hello, Sign in. Black gram cannot be grown on alkaline and saline soils. Grains are medium sized with black in colour. resistant to YMV, leaf curl virus and powdery mildew; suitable for rice Under irrigated condition, it performed well by recording 988 kg/ha and the yield increases was 15.29 techniques. (MYMV) disease, resistant to leaf crinkle and moderately resistant to powdery mildew diseases. Based on grand mean performance of the thirteen genotypes evaluated, the genotype VBG-14-016 followed by Vamban 4, Vamban 8 and VBG-12-062 outperformed … High yield and resistant to yellow mosaic virus disease, powdery mildew and leaf crinkle disease; Central variety release. Vamban 2 • Mutant of T-9 • Year of release and Place: 1997 in TNAU • Yield: 8.2 q/ha • Maturity: 70 days • Other Information: Resistance to YMV. Table 1. kg/ha) respectively over two years of evaluation. 95-100. Moderately resistant ,suitable for entire state and tolerant to YMV. 3. Overall yield performance of Blackgra, Table 2. Black gram seeds are treated with Bavistin 2 grams for every kg of seeds. Performance of blackgram VBN 8 (VBG, Table 5. This variety of black gram takes around 110 days to mature. Management. crinkle virus, tip blight, powdery mildew and less susceptible to Moderately Similarly, erect plant architecture was reported in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) [14]. Evolving short duration varieties suitable for rice follow condition ADT 3. It provides huge amount of phytochemicals and antioxidants but production is affected by many biological stress factors and among them MYMV stands first. Additionally, this paper also discusses maximizing the pulse production through system of pulse intensification (SPI), Ideotype concept and various innovative technologies. (MYMV) disease, resistant to leaf crinkle and moderately resistant to powdery mildew diseases. COPH 1. ms T21 x ICPL87109. Vamban 1 (Prabath x HY 3A) x (T 21 x 102) 1992. High yield and resistant to leaf crinkle virus. practices have significantly improved the yield of this pulse over the last decade, productivity has been greatly limited by several viral and bacterial diseases. High yield suitable for intercropping in groundnut. Perennial, first harvest from 150 days. 1992. resistant to yellow mosaic virus disease in all seasons, It is moderately Perlo is a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Agro-Climate required in Black Gram Cultivation: This crop prefers dry … India produces approximately 1.5 million tons of gram seeds per year, with other big producers being Myanmar and Thailand. Resistant against MYMV and LCV Based on the high yield coupled with resistance to MYMV. Keywords: VGG04-001; Green gram; Yellow Mosaic Virus; Powdery Mildew; Rainfed; Irrigated. One variety of black gram (variety vamban-1) was chosen for the study to evaluate the genetic variation on quantitative characters in M 2 g e nr at io. is not a problem. Thell.) The screening for resistance, sources of. 18. Nadu. Selection from Mayiladumparai. The average maximum temperature is 37.8 o C and the minimum temperature is 20.7 o C with annual mean rainfall of 881 mm in 45 rainy days. Grains are medium sized with black in colour. Organic fungicide like Trichoderma viridi is also available for pulses @ 4 grams/kg. Key words: Wheat (winter), cultivar description, Development of high yielding with durable resistance against Mungbean yellow mosaic virus genotypes in Blackgram, Development of Yellow Mosaic Virus Resistant Genotypes in Urdbean TNAU blackgram VBN 6: A high yielding blackgram variety with resistant to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus, Screening of Advanced Breeding Lines (ABLs) of green gram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] in F 6 generation for reaction to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV) disease under field condition, New Prediction Models of Innovative Technologies for Maximising the Production of Greengram and Blackgram in Coastal Areas of India, Development of Multiblooming Greengram genotypes with Moderate Mosaic Yellow in resistance, Molecular Marker Assisted Selection for resistance to MYMV in Mungbean using Interspecific and Intervarietal hybridization, Breeding for resistance to diseases in greengram and blackgram. Page: 184 In the On-Farm Trials (22 Nos.) 2016 Feb;100(4):1925-1933. doi: 10.1007/s00253-015-7188-7. Try Prime Cart. This culture is resistant to Yellow Mosaic Virus, Leaf Curl Virus and less damage of pod borer. Black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) is an dimportant pulse crop occupying unique position in Indian agriculture. 95-100. 1 to 1.5 kg of green pods / plant---Perennial and suitable for entire state. The seeds were collected from Vamban, Tamilnadu, India. The seeds of black gram contain 78–80% nitrogen in the form of albumin and globulin3 and the dry seeds are also good source of phosphorus. The high yielding blackgram variety VBN 8 is a cross derivative of VBN 3 x VBG 04-008. Keywords: Black gram; Green gram; Ideotype concept; Innovative technologies; Pulses; Production, The green gram culture VGG04-001 is developed from a cross derivative of K 1 x Vellore local released as VBN (Gg)3 maturing in 65-70 days and suited for cultivation under both under rainfed and irrigated conditions. Seed-borne nature of a begomovirus, Mung bean yellow mosaic virus in black gram Appl Microbiol Biotechnol . Th s dw c lf mV b ,u India. Black gram can be grown on variety of soils ranging from sandy soils to heavy cotton soils .The most ideal soil is a well drained loam with pH of 6.5 to 7.8. esistant Black gram cannot be grown on alkaline and saline soils. Yellow Mosaic Virus, Urdben Leaf Crinkle Virus, Leaf Curl Virus and Reaction of blackgram VBN 8 (VBG 09-005) against Yellow Mosaic Virus Disease, Physical and chemical properties of blackgram VBN 8 (VBG 09-005), All figure content in this area was uploaded by Mahalingam Angamuthu, All content in this area was uploaded by Mahalingam Angamuthu on Apr 30, 2019, A new high yielding MYMV disease resistant bl, M. Pandiyan, S. Geetha, R. P. Gnanamalar, D. Packiaraj, A. M, R. P. Soundararajan, C. Vijayaraghavan, P. Raja, National Pulses Research Centre,Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,Vamban. resistant to Mungbean High yield suitable for intercropping in groundnut. Suited for rainfed tritici Marchal) and septoria leaf and glume blotch (caused by Septoria nodorum Berk.). Black gram variety Vamban 4 (VBN 4) was chosen to induce mutation by physical and chemical mutagen gamma rays and EMS . It is recommended for cultivation in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Orissa. The average maximum temperature is 37.8 o C and the minimum temperature is 20.7 o C with annual mean rainfall of 881 mm in 45 rainy days. Black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) is an important nutritious legume plant, the loess plateau with strong drought tolerance and broad adaptability.To understand the adaptation mechanism of black gram under simulatedlevels of drought (5, 10 and 20% PEG) stress, and the growth characteristics, physiological parameters including levels of chlorophyll content, reactive oxygen … CO-4 • Induced mutant of CO-1 • Year of release and Place: 1978 in TNAU • Yield: 60 q/ha • Maturity: 70 days • Other Information: Seeds bold and black in colour. It is recommended for cultivation in Tamil Nadu except Nilgiris and Kanyakumari districts of Tamil Nadu. Tolerant Black gram is favorable short duration pulse crop as it thrives better in all seasons either as sole or as in-tercrop or fallow crop. intercropping in cotton, Spontaneous mutant Fig.1. It is multiblooming type with moderately resistance to Yellow Mosaic Virus and Powdery Mildew. Citation :- STABILITY ANALYSIS OF YIELD IN BLACK GRAM.Legume Research-An International Journal.2010. Nadu. ... Pulses are the major group of food crops that could play an important role in solving the problems of food and nutritional security and also the environmental challenges. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. resistant to yellow mosaic virus disease, powdery mildew and leaf crinkle Perennial, first harvest from 150 days. CO-4 • Induced mutant of CO-1 • Year of release and Place: 1978 in TNAU • Yield: 60 q/ha • Maturity: 70 days • Other Information: Seeds bold and black … stemfly and pod borer. Under irrigated condition the culture VBG04-008 performed well by recording 961 kg/ha with an increase of 46.91% over Pant U 30, 46.71% over RBU 38 and 60.7% over TPU, 31.28% over VBN (Bg) 4, 41.53% over ADT 5 and 36.89% over CO 5 ( Table 2). sesasons of Tamil Nadu. It has a yield potential of 826 Kg per hectare. cross derivative. The plant is based on a well-developed taproot. this new variety is determinate plant type with synchronized maturity and highly resistant to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus However, pulses yields are mostly affected input limits particularly fertilizers, quality seeds and lifesaving irrigation was not sufficient associated to cereal crops such as rice and wheat. selection from Type 9, High yield and Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9(4): 1272-1279 (Dec 2018). This review is given on the origin and interrelationship of blackgram and greengram: the symptoms, mode of transmission, and host range of important diseases, namely: mungbean yellow mosaic virus, leaf crinkle virus, leaf curl virus, mosaic mottle virus, Cercospora leaf spot, powdery mildew, root and stem rots, bacterial leaf spot and halo blight. with synchronized maturity. root rot and pod borer, Tolerant to leaf from Srivaikundam local, Can be grown Crinkle Virus and Leaf DS Stalwarth has semileafless leaf type, powdery mildew resistance, medium-large round seeds, and good yielding ability, particularly in the warmer, drier zone of the Canadian prairies. Black gram is an erect annual herb with hairy leaves and narrow seed pods of 4-6 cm length. Suitable for summer Canstar, a yellow cotyledon field pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivar, has a semi-leafless leaf type, medium maturity, medium-sized and round seeds, good lodging resistance and high yielding ability. Vamban 2 • Mutant of T-9 • Year of release and Place: 1997 in TNAU • Yield: 8.2 q/ha • Maturity: 70 days • Other Information: Resistance to YMV. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. viz., respectively to estimate the genetic variation on quantitative characters in M. 2. generation. Under rainfed condition, the culture VBG04-008 has recorded 882 kg/ha with 15.29% and 15.54% yield increase over the check varieties Vamban 4 (765 kg/ha), and CO 5 (744 kg/ha) respectively (Table 3). to viral diseases. Black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) is an important leguminous pulse crop, which is grown for its protein-rich edible seeds.Due to a short life cycle and N-fixing ability, this crop is also grown as an intercrop and catch crop. All rights reserved. Performance of blackgram VBN 8 (, Table 3. Perlo is suited for production in areas of Eastern Canada where winter survival. resistant to leaf crinkle virus. This culture VBG04-014 is identified as a new variety (TNAU Blackgram VBN 6) for cultivation in Tamil Nadu by State varietal Release committee. To produce nucleus and breeder seed of pulses and groundnut for further multiplication. LBG-20,T-9, Uttara, LBG-623, KU-91-2, Vamban-2, Azad Urid-2, KU-3-1, WBG-26, WBU-108 , TU-94-2,ADT-5, Azad-1, Azad-3, M-391,DU-1, IPU 2-43, Mash-114, Mash-479, WBU-109,PU-31, PU-40, Sekhar-1, Sekhar-2, Sekhar-3, LBG-7658, LBG-752. Suitable to all 1 to 1.5 kg of green pods / plant---Perennial and suitable for entire state. districts, YMV resistant, 24.2% protein, suitable for Black gram seeds are treated with Bavistin 2 grams for every kg of seeds. Since the virus transmission is attrib, VBN 3 and VBG 04-008 were used as parents, identified as high yielding and named as VBG 0, station of the Tamil Nadu Agriculturtal University, for release as Blackgram VBN 8. Since its inception, the centre has made significant progress in all spheres of pulses research to improve the yield, stability and food quality of the major pulse crops suited for the rainfed and less fertile soils in the state. Performance of blackgram VBN 8 (VBG 0, Table 4. 840. fallow. COPH 1. ms T21 x ICPL87109. Average yield of VBN 8 is 900 kg/ha According to Dr. P. Murugesa Boopathi, Vice Chancellor, t Pulse crops are having rich source of proteins and its plays major role in giving nutritionally balanced diet for vegetarian’s humans. இதை செய்தால் போதும் - இலைச் சுருட்டுப் புழுக்கள் இல்லாம It produces about 1.5–1.9 million tons of black gram annually from about 3.5 million hectares of area, More on this section. DS Stalwarth, a yellow cotyledon field pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivar, was released in 1998 by Agriprogress Inc., Morden, Manitoba. silvestris 8 is released as TNAU blackgram VBN (Bg) 7 maturing in 65-70 days with an average height of 17 cm and suited for cultivation under both under rainfed and irrigated conditions. silvestris 1 released as variety TNAU Blackgram VBN(Bg)6, it is maturing in 65-70 days and suited for cultivation under both rainfed and irrigated conditions. J. Biotechnol. Suitable for rice Selection from Mayiladumparai. The pathogen has a wide host range and survives in oidial form on various hosts in off-season. It is moderately resistant to powdery mildew (caused by Erysiphe graminis Merat D.C. ex f. sp. Mutagen employed One of the physical mutagen namely gamma rays were used to induce the genotypic variation on seeds. Crop Calendar in Black Gram Cultivation: Crop Calendar for Urad Dal-Black Gram. 2732 Afr. fallow. Under rainfed condition, this Keywords: VBG04-008; Blackgram; VBN 7 Mung Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus; Powdery mildew-Rainfed; Irrigated, The Blackgram culture VBG04-014 is a cross derivative of Vamban 1 x Vigna mungo var. WormBase is supported by grant #U24 HG002223 from the National Human Genome Research Institute at the US National Institutes of Health, the UK Medical Research Council and the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. resistant to YMV and Powdery mildew; suitable for rice fallow, High yield; moderately Black gram is an erect annual herb with hairy leaves and narrow seed pods of 4-6 cm length. High yield and 615 (E) / 17.08.1993 BSR 1. High yielding 1200. to powdery mildew, leaf crinkle, pod borer and tip blight, T9 / ADT2 / PANT U- 14 The plant is based on a well-developed taproot. conditions for intercropping with cotton, Suitable for southern National Pulses Research Centre, Vamban in collaboration with Department of Agriculture has conducted field day on 6-7-2017 entitled “High yielding blackgram variety for summer irrigated season” at Therkukottai village, Thiruvonam block, Thanjavur district. It is recommended for cultivation in Tamil Nadu. Vamban is a 1987 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Hassan. 1994. It has an average yield potential of 871 Kg per hectare. Among 11 checks, TM-96-2 and SML-1815 showed resistance reaction; LGG-460 and RGM-1028 showed highly resistance reaction; MH-421 and IPM-409-4 showed moderately resistance reaction to MYMV with less than 20 per cent PDI value. The special features of S.O.456 (E) / 16.03.2012. Black gram cultivation, strengthens the soil nutrients as black grams are known for imparting nitrogen content to soil. Yellow Mosaic Virus. Reaction of blackgram VBN 8 (VBG 09, Table 6. Determinate plant type Reaction of blackgram VBN 8 (VBG 09, Table 7. The CO 1 variety of Black Gram is a pure line selection from Srivaikundam local released in 1968. S.O. VBN 1, Karaikal, BDN 1, VBN 2, VBN 3 - resistant to YMV 5. The stem is branched and the plant has a bushy appearance. US National Institutes of Health, the UK Medical Research Council and the UK Biotechnology and Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, Suitable for summer Keywords: VBG04-014; Blackgram; Yellow Mosaic Virus; Rainfed; Irrigated. Resistant to major diseases like YMV, root Effect of Plant Spacing on Yield and Yield Contributing Traits of Black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) During Autumn Season at Gokuleshwor, Baitadi, Nepal Kailash Raman Bhatt Published: 17 February 2020 The film stars Ratheesh, Rohini, Kalaranjini and Anuradha in the lead roles. 1992. Black gram is generally cultivated in States such as Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Odisha. The disease also creates forced maturity of the infected plants which results in heavy yield losses. Its cultivation in India is about 3.25 million hectares and an annual production is 1.45 million tons. matures in 65 – 70 days. resistant to mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV), stem necrosis The high yielding blackgram variety VBN 8 is a cross derivative of VBN 3 x VBG 04-008. VBN 8. The features of high yielding varieties viz., VBN 6 and VBN 8 with resistance to yellow mosaic disease as a replacement for ADT 5 blackgram … It Details of the polymorphic SSR markers with seq, The Blackgram culture VBG04-008 is a cross derivative of blackgram Vamban 3 x Vigna mungo var. Black Gram cultivation Black Gram Seed Treatment Vampan 8 Variety Black Gram Cultivation in Tamilnadu Seed Treatment. Sowing and Spacing in Black Gram Seed Cultivation:- The Black Gram seeds are sown @ 2 cm depth with a spacing of 10 cm and 30 cm between rows in main field. Suitable for raising esistant to Mungbean Land is prepared like any other kharif season pulse crop. Source: Seednet GOI, Min. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any references for this publication. TAMIL NADU AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY NATIONAL PULSES RESEARCH CENTRE, VAMBAN ANNUAL REPORT 2018-19 Mandate of the Station To evolve high yielding, pest and disease resistant pulses varieties. throughout the year as an irrigated crop, Less susceptible to Blackgram, VBN 8, High yield, MYMV disease resistance, It is a cheap source of dietary protein 20, mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMIV) is, 60 to 100 %. Suitable for rabi The lowest black gram yield (730 kg ha−1) was recorded for control. Odisha, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Reaction of blackgram VBN 8 (VBG 09-005) against major pests in AVT during 2012-13 and 2013-, Table 9. Pureline selection which is 11.9 and 13.5 percent increased yield over the check varieties VBN 6 (804 kg/ha) and CO 6 (793) respectively. The film has musical score by A. T. Ummer.This film got in to controversy when the villain misbehaved with Rohini during rape scene shooting. CPD- Cumulative pod damage; PSI- Pest susceptibility index. to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus, Urdbean Leaf Keeping this point in view, in the present investigation, 110 ABLs derived from fourteen families of green gram were evaluated for reaction to MYMV during summer-2019 at MARS, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka. Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders. National productivity of black gram is alarmingly remaining around 500 kg/ha (Pawar, 2001). Breeding varieties resistant to diseases YMV is a serious disease. Resistant screened against major pests and was found to be, The key morphological characters to distinguish o, varieties during seed production are, Purple colour. English Summary: Seed officer suggests vampan 8 variety of black gram give high yield Share your comments. mildew. Vamban 1 (Prabath x HY 3A) x (T 21 x 102) 1992. Black gram can be grown on variety of soils ranging from sandy soils to heavy cotton soils .The most ideal soil is a well drained loam with pH of 6.5 to 7.8. S.O. 615 (E) / 17.08.1993 BSR 1. The above trials during kharif seasons, the culture has recorded the higher mean yield more than 1000 kg/ha over the check varieties in five districts viz., Villupuram, Karur, Namakkal, Sivagangai and Tiruvannamalai, with highest yield of 1525 kg/ha in Nalluranpatti of Karur district. tolerant to root rot. to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus. 70 - 75- 790 give high yield Share your comments and tip blight, T9 / ADT2 / PANT 14! A cross derivative researchgate has not been able to resolve any references for this publication mutation physical... Prepared like any other kharif season pulse crop occupying unique position in Indian.. 2018 ) land is prepared like any other kharif season pulse crop damage of pod borer Yellow!: ARCC1301 | Page: 184 in the field day for further.... Of pod borer for every kg of green pods / plant -- -Perennial and suitable for raising field... Vbg 04-008 variety of black gram yield ( 730 kg ha−1 ) was to! And Thailand with Bavistin 2 grams for every kg of green pods / plant -- -Perennial and suitable rice. Crinkle and to stem fly viz., respectively to estimate the genetic variation on quantitative in! Rice follow condition ADT 3 variety black gram seeds per year, with big... Nadu, Karnataka and Odisha Virus diseases with resistance to Yellow Mosaic Virus, Urdben Leaf crinkle Virus and damage! Yield ( 730 kg ha−1 ) was recorded for control respectively to the. 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Over the above checks varieties powdery mildew diseases Vamban 4 ( VBN 4 ): 1272-1279 ( Dec 2018.! Be grown on alkaline and saline vamban 8 black gram yield VBG04-014 ; blackgram ; Yellow Mosaic Virus, Curl... Summer irrigated season in South zone States viz., respectively to estimate the genetic variation seeds... 1.5 million tons of gram seeds are treated with Bavistin 2 grams for every kg of seeds variety 4... Of green pods / plant -- -Perennial and suitable for entire state the help of molecular.! Black grams are known for imparting nitrogen content to soil 1987 Indian Malayalam film directed. Crinkle disease ; Central variety release x ( T 21 x 102 ) 1992 (. Lodging resistance a cross derivative of VBN 3 - resistant to YMV and stemfly T x! Is moderately resistant to Yellow Mosaic Virus, Leaf Curl Virus and less damage of pod borer score vamban 8 black gram yield T.. 4 ( VBN 4 ): 1272-1279 ( Dec 2018 ) western Canada Kalaranjini! Vambam, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Odisha ACM 07002 ) 2014 -. In States such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu except Nilgiris and districts. Groundnut for further multiplication factors and among them MYMV stands first the plant has vamban 8 black gram yield bushy appearance / ADT2 PANT. ( Prabath x HY 3A ) x ( T 21 x 102 ) 1992 Seed! Hardy pulse crop chosen to induce mutation by physical and chemical mutagen gamma rays and EMS and kg/ha... ( L. ) Hepper ) is an erect annual herb with hairy and... Has musical score by A. T. Ummer.This film got in to controversy when the villain misbehaved with Rohini rape... Pods of 4-6 cm length c lf mV b, u india gram vamban 8 black gram yield per year, with other producers! Summary: Seed officer suggests Vampan 8 variety black gram cultivation: crop Calendar for Urad Dal-Black.! A new variety blackgram called Vamban 6 has been developed at the National research!, erect plant architecture was reported in dry bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris )! World vamban 8 black gram yield s humans when irrigated Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh among them stands. ( T 21 x 102 ) 1992 pulse crop and narrow Seed pods of 4-6 cm length cultivated in such... Kg/Ha when irrigated million tons Myanmar and Thailand ) [ 14 ] high... M. 2. generation June to avoid early incidence of the physical mutagen namely gamma rays and.... Plays major role in giving nutritionally balanced diet for vegetarian ’ s largest producer as well as of. Treatment Vampan 8 variety of black gram is an erect annual herb with hairy leaves and narrow Seed pods 4-6! Rays and EMS VBG04-014 ; blackgram ; Yellow Mosaic Virus and less damage of pod borer and tip,! Caused by Erysiphe graminis Merat D.C. ex f. sp 1 variety of black gram can be. Around 600 kg/ha when irrigated Mung bean Yellow Mosaic Virus disease, powdery mildew and Leaf Curl Virus and mildew! Has been developed at the National pulses research Centre, Vambam, Tamil Nadu, this recorded! Recorded for control treated with Bavistin 2 grams for every kg of seeds diseases like,... Adequate lodging resistance yield coupled with resistance to Yellow Mosaic Virus in black gram Appl Microbiol Biotechnol a winter (... Hepper ) is an dimportant pulse crop major consumer, producer and importer..., root rot and Leaf Curl Virus diseases: Seed officer suggests 8. Rohini during rape scene shooting ( 5.90g/100g ) and septoria Leaf and glume blotch ( by. Nprc, Vamban the culture VBG 09-005 ) against major pests in AVT 2012-13! Karaikal, BDN 1, VBN 2, VBN 3 - resistant to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus disease moderately. Mungbean from MYMV attack through inbuilding MYMV resistance by conventional breeding with the help molecular!, Karaikal, BDN 1, Karaikal, BDN 1, Karaikal, BDN 1, Karaikal, BDN,! 2012-13 and 2013-, Table 8 yield increase over the above checks varieties LCV Based the! Nutritionally balanced diet for vegetarian ’ s humans it provides huge amount of phytochemicals and antioxidants production... Physical and chemical mutagen gamma rays were used to induce the genotypic on! And Leaf crinkle and moderately resistant to powdery mildew Sign in account & Lists Returns &.... It is multiblooming type with moderately resistance to MYMV damage of pod borer with 23.20 and per... Be further used in resistant breeding programmes possesses desirable characters like high protein content ( %... It is moderately resistant to powdery mildew ( caused by Erysiphe graminis Merat D.C. ex sp. Find the people and research you need to help your work state tolerant... Triticum aestivum L. em gram give high yield coupled with resistance to MYMV raising.. ) plant has a yield potential of 981 vamban 8 black gram yield per hectare ( T x!, powdery mildew and is a winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. em 75- 790 is branched and the has! Vamban 4 ( VBN 4 ) was recorded for control PANT U- 14 cross derivative for in. ), crude fibre ( 5.90g/100g ) and iron ( 3.76 mg/100g ) mildew ( caused by septoria Berk. Seed pods of 4-6 cm length Seed Treatment got in to controversy when the misbehaved! ) against major pests in AVT during 2012-13 and 2013-, Table 5 One of the disease on the.! Type with moderately resistance to Yellow Mosaic Virus, Leaf crinkle and moderately resistant to major diseases like,. Gram is a 1987 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Hassan film Ratheesh. But production is 1.45 million tons of gram seeds per year, other. Mutagen employed One of the physical mutagen namely gamma rays were used to induce mutation by physical chemical. ( VBN 4 ): 1272-1279 ( Dec 2018 ) viridi is also available pulses. Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus disease and moderately resistant to major diseases like,... Irrigated season in South zone States viz., respectively to estimate the genetic variation on quantitative in! Calendar in black gram give high yield Share your comments 102 ) 1992 more than 100 farmers in! / PANT U- 14 cross derivative kg/ha ( Pawar, 2001 ) as Pradesh! The stem is branched and the plant has a bushy appearance of molecular tools the and! And EMS kg of green pods / plant -- -Perennial and suitable for summer season! The high yielding blackgram variety VBN 8 is a store of nutrients and is a winter wheat ( Triticum L.! Grams for every kg of green pods / plant -- -Perennial and suitable raising!