Go Spread the Love

Spreading love to our communities and changing culture – on a global scale – that’s what Spread the Love is all about.

Through the end of December, ten partnering churches in ten countries will be mobilizing people and utilizing resources to do good in their communities.

From painting schools to visiting prisons, organizing food drives and providing lunch for teachers at local schools, Spread the Love opportunities are happening everywhere.

A simple idea put into motion by a group of ordinary people from Mavuno Church in Nairobi Kenya, Spread the Love went global last June when a group of partnering churches attending a conference at Mavuno Church joined the movement and began asking the question, “What would the world look like if we worked together and were intentional about changing things?” Since then, amazing stories have emerged and the ripple effect of love and kindness is spreading throughout local communities around the world.

To get involved visit spread the love webpage and signup.

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