Let There Be Daylight!

Daylight Saving Time starts this Saturday night (technically Sunday morning), so don’t forget to “spring forward” and change your clocks before you hit the hay.

DST’s roots date back to Benjamin Franklin when he penned an essay in Journal de Paris, on April 26, 1784. (just a bit of trivia for you)

The good news is church service times haven’t changed!

We’ll see you this weekend. Check here for service times and locations.

Set Your Financial House in Order

Learn about estate planning and wealth transfer from a Biblical perspective.

If you’re wondering who should attend, this will help.
Young Families
: learn the essentials you need today
Middle-Aged Adults: prepare the foundation and your legacy with intentionality
Senior Adults: review your plans, explore additional options and tools, and learn how to make adjustments

Find out more and register.

Tue, March 27, 6:30p, LDB 200B/C

The Immigration Conversation

Matthew Soerens assists churches in understanding the complexities of immigration from a biblical perspective. He is the author of Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion & Truth in the Immigration Debate. Read more about Matthew and this important conversation.

Wednesday, March 7, 7p
Mariners Church Irvine Campus
Upper Room