
A Word From Caleb


I led our Rooted Group last night and we didn’t use the fan. In fact, my wife, Hilary, even put a blanket on her lap. That’s AMAZING! Could it be that the fire of summer 2012 is subsiding and we’re tipping toward fall?

Either way, I’m very excited to send to you this email. And it has nothing to do with the return of actual NFL referees or Gangnam Style music videos. I’m excited because of the weekend that’s coming.

I believe that God has given me a special message for this weekend. I’m more excited about this message than any I’ve shared so far. You don’t want to miss this Sunday. Ladies, get your men to DVR the football game or wake up earlier to surf. Do what you have to do. This message will be inspiration for your life, personally, and I will continue to share vision for what I believe God desires to do with our church, collectively.

God is doing GREAT things at Mariners HB, and we want YOU there! No, we NEED you there. You have a part to play.


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