
A Note From Caleb

What a weekend!

Last week it was clear that the issue of comfort and joy (peace, contentment, happiness…) are critical issues for people in our community–especially this time of year. I was so proud of your expression of love and tangible comfort at the end of the service. I love our church!

This weekend we’re talking more specifically about JOY. Who else–besides you–needs joy this weekend? Sometimes they are people that you don’t want to be around. But would you consider inviting them this Sunday?

A few more things to keep in mind…

1. Candy canes started in the 1670’s when a minister was trying to keep kids quiet in church. He told a candy-maker to design something in the shape of a shepherd’s staff as an illustration of one of his messages.

2. FLASH MOB- this Tuesday, 6:00pm. We want to rally in force to Main Street and cause a scene of Christmas Cheer. Even if you don’t want to sing… you can still hand out invitations to our services! Get all the details on our Facebook page.

3. Every Sunday is special. Come expecting to encounter God. (Actually, EVERYDAY is special. You can encounter God right now. Right where you are.)

Yule tide greetings and what not…

See you Sunday!

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