A Note From Caleb

So, the new year is also the end of a season–the football season. Stay with me. Gladiators of the gridiron face off for championships: NCAA and NFL. The NCAA (BCS) title game left a lot to be desired as Alabama mopped the floor with the not-so-lucky Irish. I’m hopeful that the NFL showdowns will provide more drama and excitement.

Why? There’s something beautiful about people giving everything they have to a cause–even if the cause is a shallow sporting event. Every week, these guys lay it all on the line. And the loser goes home, so you can’t be half-hearted…you can’t be unprepared or unwilling to sacrifice. These champions come at a great cost.

When I was a kid, I’d watch an inspiring game–football, volleyball, basketball–and then I’d be motivated to go out in the front yard and practice my own skills. Today I’m under no delusions of grandeur. I will not become a professional athlete, but I still want to be inspired. I still want to give my life to something. I still want to feel like I’m  a part of a team that’s doing something unique, something special in the world. And you do, too.

Today is full of opportunity. What will you do with it?

This Sunday I will introduce you to a special guest, Prashan De Visser. He is part of a movement that is changing the country of Sri Lanka. At his young age, he is putting it all on the line–and God is blessing his life.

Don’t miss this Sunday. You will be inspired. You will be challenged. And you’ll want to run into your front yard and practice changing the world.

See you Sunday.


P.S.: It’s not too late to sign up for Rooted. We have groups on Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Don’t be scared. And if you’ve done Rooted already, who can you get to sign up?

As always, here’s last week’s message in case you missed it.

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