A Note From Caleb

Hope you’re enjoying a 70+ degree day in January. I have some friends here from out of town and it reminds me to be grateful for where we live.

I’m also grateful for our church–and for you! God is doing a special thing in our community. Can you feel it?

Our Rooted Groups launched this week and we had 80 people sign up. We pulling out over-flow seating homes and offices…and it’s awesome!

If you have already completed the 10-week Rooted Experience, but are not currently involved in a Life Group, we want to change that. We’re hosting a Life Group Connection Event January 31st at 7p at the Mariners HB offices (2124 Main St #260). This is a great time to get the vision of Life Groups, meet Life Group Leaders, and start new Life Groups.

Sunday we’re starting our Relationology series. This week, learn about the origin of all relationships and why everybody has daddy issues. The whole series will be both practical and challenging. Don’t miss a week.


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