A Note From Kyle

We’ve got lots to celebrate, don’t we? Rooted is in full swing. People are going through their prayer experiences, getting ready to serve our community together. Financially Free is underway, people are finding Godly ways to steward everything He has given them. Date Night for the community was a ton of fun as people got to laugh and connect together around relationship. Worship Night last Sunday, where we came together as one church from many communities, was profound as we celebrated the story God is writing in and through our churches, and we prayed for one another. I’m so excited about all the ways we’re becoming His people and His church–in the world, for the world.

Every week I see you guys bringing friends and family to come and experience the joy, the truth and the relationship we get to have with Jesus, and with one another. This weekend, that continues through our Relationology series. Jeff Maguire will be back talking more about becoming and living in the fullest expression of relationship with one another. Invite someone to be a part of of this weekend. It’s gonna be great.


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