Did you get to experience the power of one church gathering from many communities to worship and celebrate all that God is doing in and through our churches, and pray for each other as we launch into this new year? Last Sunday, our Worship Night was a powerful time for us to be together as one church with one voice, responding to God and praying with anticipation about all God has in store for us.
We’re so excited about all that is happening this weekend. Kenton and the Elders are away praying for our church, hearing God’s voice as He speaks and leads us into this year. So, please join us as we pray for them.
Doug Fields will be back teaching and challenging us, particularly as men, what it looks like to be heroes in our relationships. Trust me, you won’t want to miss it.
And, of course, Super Bowl this Sunday! Why am I saying that? This is a great opportunity for you to consider changing your weekend rhythms and come to church on Saturday night! It’s so awesome to see you guys inviting and bringing your friends and family to church, and last Sunday at 11a was packed! We want to continue to create space for our friends and neighbors to celebrate Jesus with us, so if you can, enjoy Sunday for Super Bowl, and hang out with us on Saturday night!