A Note From Caleb

One of my mentors, Eric Boles, told me that, as a speaker, people rarely remember the things I say, but they’ll always remember how I made them feel. As much as I’d like to believe that you go over Sunday’s message in your mind all week long, I know the reality is that our minds are filled with all kinds of thoughts and ideas, and we’re constantly receiving new information and input. But we are relational people. We like and dislike certain people, and often can’t explain why. Here’s an explanation:

People remember how you make them feel! The problem is, you’re usually not aware of, or intentional about, how you come across to others.

There is one reality at the center of all the dysfunction in our relationships. It’s the thing that prevents us from knowing (or caring) how we make others feel. It’s the thing that keeps getting in the way of your relationships (all of them). And I’ll tell you what it is…….. on Sunday.

I’m also going to tell you a little bit about what Lent means, and the road to Easter–the most celebrated event of our faith. We’re nearly 40 days from Easter, and it’s time to start thinking about it. You’ll see why.

Enjoy today,


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