A Note From Caleb

Is it spring yet? It’s supposed to be 80 degrees this weekend! Get the crusty, caked lotion off the squeeze-top, and settle in for a warm one. But schedule your weekend activities around our services at 9 & 11am on Sunday at HB’s Central Library. I’m serious. I want to see EVERYONE this weekend.

We have our own version of MARCH MADNESS coming your way. We’re going to have some fun this month. Stay tuned. Plus, you won’t want to miss this message on Generosity in our RELATIONSHIPS. I’m calling it “Debts, Taxes, and New Beginnings.” If you’re an eager over-achiever, you can read Matthew 18 to get in the zone.

I hope to see ALL of you at our OPEN HOUSE this evening. Stop in any time from 4-7pm. We’ll have snacks. Enough said.
2124 Main Street, #260
Huntington Beach

If you’re looking to get more plugged into our church, just ask. We have options. Come tonight, or contact Cayce.

See you soon!


P.S.: Don’t forget to give something away to someone in need this week. We want to hear your stories. We’ll have a video set up for you to share with us on the patio. 90 second limit, please. You “talkers” know who you are
P.P.S: To catch up on messages from a previous week click here.

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