pastor picks-01

Pastor Picks

Each quarter, the Global Bookstore asks our Mariners Church pastors what books they’ve been reading and what they would recommend to our church community. Here’s what they said:

A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards
Worship Pastor, Kyle Zimmerman:
“We’re all uniquely gifted by God and invited into His great story of redemption…to love and serve others, taking part in the restoration of creation back to its original design…”

The Covenant: A study of God’s extraordinary love for you., by James I. Garlow
Women’s Pastor, Shelly Juskiewicz:
“This book is  amazing. It is rich in the history of the power of our covenant making God and our covenant relationship with Him…”

Scandalous by DA Carson
Jr. High Pastor, Justin Herman:
“When it comes to our faith as Christians young and old, we always come up with great questions that deserve great answers…”

The Red Sea Rules, by Robert Morgan
Executive Pastor, Jim Russell:
“This life is not about us, it’s about God, and no matter what situation you may find yourself in, this little book will help you “move from fear to faith…”

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, by Peter Scazzero
Movement Pastor, Robin Riley:
“It’s impossible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature.” In this book Scazzero outlines his journey and the signs of emotionally unhealthy spirituality…”

To see all of the selections, be sure to stop by the bookstore and take a look at our Pastor Picks.

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