A Note From Caleb

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood… and a beautiful day to be a neighbor to someone.

I saw this old Mr. Rogers quote today in response to all the pain on television:

“Look for the helpers. You’ll always find people who are helping.” — Fred Rogers, on what to do when scary things are on the news #boston

The series we’re doing, Christian?, has a lot of people talking…and inviting. I, personally, am loving it. It’s a defining series for our church. We are a church that is committed to surprising people in our city with our love–not our politics, not our doctrine, not our stance on hot topics…our love.

This will be another compelling and challenging week that will make you rethink at how you look at the world around you–and make you wonder how the world looks at you.

See you Sunday,


P.S.: It’s not too late to sign up yourself and/or someone you know for Rooted! Email Christen immediately.

P.S.S.: To listen to recent messages, please click here.

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