A Note From Jeff

This past weekend, I made the promise at the beginning of the message that I would leave you with more questions and opportunities for discussion than answers. For so many of you, that wonderfully appeared to be the case. People were chatting about all the implications; the permissions, prohibitions, and abuses of judging and judgmentalism. Many of us have lived under the tyranny of dehumanizing judgment. Others of us have fallen into the easy trap of judging others. In one way or another, our inner tendency to find reasonable justification for the judging other people has created deep wounds.

But, wherever there are wounds, there is opportunity for healing. We have a saying around here that “we are wounded in relationships and healed in relationships”. Each week there are more and more people extending their time at Mariners MV on the patio. We are finding ways on our patio for people to experience this community, this kind of family. Kids are drawing chalk art masterpieces on the walkways. Fathers and sons are challenging each other in checkers. Toddlers are hiding donuts from their mothers. People are initiating conversations that ultimately lead to healing and hope.

Looking forward to being together this weekend,


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