A Note From Caleb

It’s Father’s Day!! I realize it’s also a big day for golf and surfing, yada, yada… But here are seven BIG reasons why joining us–your extended family–on Sunday is the right idea:

1. There’s this fancy new invention called the DVR. You can have the best of both worlds.
2. I want to affirm dads in a culture that doesn’t grasp the fullness of their significance.
3. You’ll be surprised at how far we take this father’s day thing.
4. I’m doing a memorable message geared toward DADS. (But relevant to EVERYONE.)
5. I’m sharing a glimpse of the future of our church. Seriously.
6. We’re grilling.
7. We’re handing out our Summer Calendar that is overflowing with life-enhancing opportunities.

Lastly, those of you not plugged into a current Life Group, we’re doing a Life Group Connection event Sunday June 30th. Pencil it in. Life is better when you have real friends :)


PS: Listen to and pass along previous messages here.

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