A Note From Caleb

It’s official: It’s warm. Windows and screen doors are open. Sweat is on my back when I get out of my car. People are trimming their toenails more as sandals trump all other footwear. Summer is here.

Hopefully you picked up our Summer Calendar on Sunday. If not, grab one this Sunday. There are 16 activities scheduled on this calendar, and I’m sure at least 4 are relevant to you.

Allow me to highlight a couple:

1. Life Group Connection Event – If you’re not in a Life Group (or if your life group can add someone), join us June 30th at the Mariners HB offices. “Life Group” doesn’t mean life sentence. Try a couple out. Start a new one. We mostly just do fun stuff over the summer anyway. But life is better in community.

2. Summer Sports Clinic – July 15-19, 9am to noon. This will be AWESOME for kids! Click here for more details and to sign up your kids and their friends. <<link>>

Lastly, I’m really excited about the message this weekend. I’ll show you a surprisingly relevant message from the Old Testament that will stick with you. See you Sunday!


p.s.: keep up with past messages here and pass them on.

p.p.s: consider giving to Mariners online here. Remember to designate your gifts to our Huntington Beach Church.

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