A Note From Jeff

Last weekend, in honoring dads on Father’s Day, we looked at the quintessential father-figure in the Bible: Abraham. What is so incredibly shocking to us isn’t that Abraham would even consider the sacrifice of his own son, Isaac on an altar, it’s that every one of us is all-too-willing to sacrifice the things God has entrusted to us on any number of other altars: career, need for attention, fear of being alone, unhealthy relationships, or addictions. It is on God’s altar, with our whole lives directed toward Him, that he provides. The god’s of all other altars make promises about providing, and all of them leave us empty, disappointed, and deceived. Father’s day was a beautiful picture of surrender and release; of prayer and vulnerability; worship and freedom — it was an opportunity to make courageous decisions about our own altars.

The true beauty of the church isn’t the bricks and mortar of its four walls (or in our case, five walls). It’s always expressed in the community of the people who follow Jesus. It’s in the community of people who, as the Bible describes them, are the “radiant bride of Christ…the church”. It has been such a great joy of mine to meet your invited friends each week — the ones who are finding their way into the church. They, like all of us, are looking for a group of people who are committed both to each other and to an authentic, uncomplicated relationship with God. The more we enfold people into our lives: acting and living as neighbors and friends together, the more our church community becomes attractive and unified. This next week will be a great week to invite a friend to join you as we continue in our “THE BIBLE” series.

NOTE: Be sure to come hungry for a pancake breakfast on the patio.

See you this Sunday at 9 and 11,


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