Life Group Connect Event

Get in a Life Group! Join us for our Life Group Connect Event…

Life moves quickly and situations change. But regardless of pace, place, and preferences…we all need community! So, whether your Life Group is no longer meeting or your Rooted group went in different directions, let us help you get connected into a Life Group at Mariners HB! Meet leaders, ask questions, and find out more about our available groups. Free, snacks and childcare provided. Contact Christen to learn more.

Sunday, June 30, 5 – 7p
HB offices (2124 Main St #260)

A Note From Caleb

It’s Father’s Day!! I realize it’s also a big day for golf and surfing, yada, yada… But here are seven BIG reasons why joining us–your extended family–on Sunday is the right idea:

1. There’s this fancy new invention called the DVR. You can have the best of both worlds.
2. I want to affirm dads in a culture that doesn’t grasp the fullness of their significance.
3. You’ll be surprised at how far we take this father’s day thing.
4. I’m doing a memorable message geared toward DADS. (But relevant to EVERYONE.)
5. I’m sharing a glimpse of the future of our church. Seriously.
6. We’re grilling.
7. We’re handing out our Summer Calendar that is overflowing with life-enhancing opportunities.

Lastly, those of you not plugged into a current Life Group, we’re doing a Life Group Connection event Sunday June 30th. Pencil it in. Life is better when you have real friends :)


PS: Listen to and pass along previous messages here.

A Note From Kyle

Were you there? Last weekend was powerful as we witnessed the Kingdom on display, revealing Him through redemption, honesty and faith, during our worship response time with Caleb, Tim and Doug. I love how He is growing each of us as disciples, and as a church, with the freedom and hope of a relationship with Jesus.

Don’t miss a night of worship this Friday, June 14, with Tim Timmons as we celebrate the release of his new CD and how God is using him to encourage people everywhere to fearlessly follow Christ. To purchase tickets click here, you won’t want to miss it!

I’m really looking forward to this weekend as we launch into our new series, The Bible, where we’ll look at stories from the Bible in a new way as we explore the major story lines, people, and events that impacted history and shape our lives today. We’re also throwing a party – DADfest – honoring and celebrating dads everywhere. I’m looking forward to meeting your dad, friends and family on the patio as we continue to become who we were designed and created to be in community together.


A Note From Jeff

In kicking off “The Bible” series last week, we started at the beginning of all beginnings. We started at the first page of the Bible: the creation narrative from Genesis 1. The theme of the opening paragraphs of the Bible is that God, the one who makes order from chaos, is to be worshipped in his temple (the vast expanse of the entire created universe). All things belong to God and are intended for his worship, including us. Which, if we’re honest with ourselves, creates a tension. We like being the center of the universe. We like bending the arc of creation around us. Only, what God intended, throughout the Bible, is that He is above us, above all things, the one who is to be worshipped.

In light of Father’s Day, we’ll continue in our “The Bible” series this week as we look at the Bible’s most famous and often confusing father. This weekend is all about fathers. We’re going big with a tailgate themed “dad fest”. Come hungry. Bring your dad.

Looking forward to all of what God is going to do this weekend,


JUST A REMINDER:  this weekend is the final weekend of Saturday services at Mariners MV.