A Note From Caleb

This week starts the BIBLE series. Don’t miss a week this summer as we discuss the greatest stories ever told — stories that inform all the movies we watch and books we read to this day. (Bring your own popcorn.)

Prepare the men in your life to join you for a very special Father’s Day Sunday, June 16th.

See you Sunday!


PS: Listen to and pass along previous messages here.

A Note From Jeff

Over the course of the last nine weeks we’ve taken an extended look at the idea of oft-problematic word “Christian.” In each part of our series, we examined the reality that Jesus is not calling us to attach ourselves to a set of principles or propositions. Rather, Jesus is inviting us to Himself, to actively live out our faith.

Last week, Doug Fields put a cap on the series by challenging us to share the story of our own journey with God. For so many of us, we’re fearful of being associated with the overeager sharers who, in Doug’s words, “accost strangers at Walmart and share the four happy hops to heaven.” But, in our own story of encountering Jesus, we put on display a powerful picture of God-at-work among us.

The story of our own encounter with God begins with His story. This week we’ll begin our next series, THE BIBLE. People of all faith backgrounds are curious about the Bible. The cable miniseries of the same name broke all kinds of viewership records for cable television. It will be a great opportunity to invite your friends who are curious about God and have often wondered about the Bible.

I look forward to seeing you this weekend,


A Note From Kyle

“I was dead, but now I’m alive…”
“It’s time for me to get serious about following Jesus…”
“I couldn’t believe God loved me, but I know He does and I’m ready to follow Him…”

These are just a few of the quotes from our church community as we celebrated the conclusion of our Christian? series by inviting people to make courageous decisions for Jesus. Hundreds stood this weekend to mark this defining moment in their spiritual journey, and I love how we choose to stand with one another as we move forward into all God is calling us.

This weekend is one you’re not going to want to miss! Doug Fields will be teaching AND we’ve invited back our (and my) very good friend, Tim Timmons, to lead worship with Caleb. Both of these guys have deep spiritual and relational roots here at Mariners, and are a huge gift to the Kingdom. It’s an honor to have them be part of our Mariners family and to hear from them. So, invite your friends and family to join us – you will hear from God and be inspired and encouraged in your journey.

