A Note From Jeff

It’s nearly ten o’clock in the evening, I’m writing this note from my hotel room in Nairobi, Kenya. Today, leaders from around the globe gathered to share in the experience of serving and leading together in a conference called the FEARLESS SUMMIT. We sang songs in languages we don’t speak. We danced awkwardly. We clapped concertedly, but conspicuously. And, we realized we’re a part of a global community. Every country, every worship style, and every language represented pointed to one thing: Jesus.

Today, I led a small breakout session about building and teaching messages that call people to live counter-culturally. I couldn’t help but to think about you. I thought about last Sunday. I recalled Joshua’s words to his people as he renewed their covenant with God: “Now then… throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel.” There is nothing more counter-cultural than to yield to Jesus and his call to love, to reconciliation, to forgiveness, and to humility.

You can continue to pray for our team as Mariners senior pastor, Kenton Beshore, will teach all the gathered leaders in tomorrow morning’s general session.

Looking forward to God’s continued work here in Nairobi and back home at Mariners Mission Viejo,


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