A Note From Kyle

Didn’t you love the partnership of generations on display in our services last weekend? I heard so many great compliments about the experience–the willingness of Stan to empower and bless–the beauty of Valentina to sing and lead with courage–and the message of truth and hope Jared brought to us through the baptism and temptation of Jesus. So many of you are bringing friends and family to enjoy the gift of time and relationship on Saturday nights! If you haven’t already, please join us. We’ll be there with food and music, as well as fun activities for the kids.

I am anticipating this weekend as we get to lean into one of the most profound questions Jesus ever asked…”Do you want to get well?” We’ll consider the depth of this question as we look at the story from John 5, and perhaps, more importantly, we’ll walk it out together as we take part in one of our powerful worship expressions: a healing service.

These services are a beautiful expression of trust in the power of Jesus and the willingness to be cared for in loving community. So many of us, or those close to us, have deep wounds–areas of brokenness that even perhaps we have given up on ever changing or healing. You are not going to want to miss this weekend…and be sure to invite those around you, as we anticipate a powerful time together.



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