
A Note From Caleb

How’s today going?

Peaches? Pain? Somewhere between?

Could you use some support with the stress and confusion of life? An advocate to help show you the way, and to help you connect with God and be who you were designed to be…?

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever–the Spirit of Truth.  John 1416-17a

Sunday, I’m talking about the mysterious, yet knowable, Spirit of God. Some people panic when we talk about the Spirit of God, but you shouldn’t. He’s exactly who you want on your side. And He is–on your side.

Also this Sunday, I’m going tell you about our fall series starting Sept 8th and the impact it could have on your life.

Don’t forget to tell us which service you plan to attend and when you plan to serve on Sundays.

LADIES: Don’t forget the Women’s Meet and Greet Monday Night at the Library–Talbert Room, 6:30p

And click here for past messages.


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