A Note From Caleb

Sunday September 8th we are moving to 3 services! You’ll now have three different service times to enjoy and more space to invite others to join you–8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.

I realize that most people hate change, but change at Mariners HB is a great thing. Here’s why:
– you won’t get stagnant and stuck in ruts
– you’ll be adjusting your routines for the sake of reaching more people in our community
– you’ll have opportunities to teach/show your family and friends what our priorities are as people who follow Jesus
– you get to play a unique role, as there are more places to serve/volunteer
– you get to be a part of something exciting that God is clearly blessing

Please let us know the service you expect to attend and how you plan to serve this Sunday.

Join us in praying that God would do something special this fall, and plan to be a part of it!

I’m excited to introduce our fall series to you… don’t miss the next couple weeks!


A Note From Jeff

This past weekend, Amanda and I went away for a brief study break. I prayed for our church community. I drafted our fall series. And, I visited a few churches in the Seattle area. In every church, in every setting, there is always something beautiful that God is doing. In no way is any church perfect. After all, the church is group comprised of broken people looking to find hope and healing in Jesus. But, the church continues to be beautiful nonetheless–people are being challenged to live differently, light is breaking into darkness, lives are being restored, addictions are being broken, and forgiveness is running rampant.

Last week, our Community Life Pastor, Mike Kenyon, spoke about the crucifixion of Jesus and His victory over the powers of sin and evil. We marked the crucifixion by identifying our need to confess. Many of us came forward, literally nailing to the cross those things that have held us captive. In so doing we embodied what Jesus accomplished on the cross–putting to death the slave-making powers of sin and evil. What a potent depiction of God-at-work among us.

This week will be a particularly great week to invite some friends who are unsure about Jesus. We’ll talk about the one thing that was a game-changer for all of Jesus’ followers–the one thing that altered history forever. We’ll also highlight our brilliant, energetic, faithful, committed, endearing, compassionate Children’s Ministry in an extremely clever way.

Also, don’t forget to include your neighbors in whatever it is you might be doing on NEIGHBORDAY Weekend (formerly, “Labor Day”). Share your thoughts and pictures with the rest of us #mvneighborday.

See you on Sunday,


A Note From Kyle

How have you been living your life this week…“my will, my strength or Your will, Your strength?” My prayer is that you’ve continued to walk in your healing, fully surrendered and completely trusting God’s plan and His power, even when it is difficult (which is often the case for me:).

Thanks to those of you who have already responded to the request to create some space at the 11a service as we head toward the fall season. We need 400 seats (and cars:)) to move to either the 5p Saturday or 9a Sunday service in order to show our love to those who aren’t even a part of our church community yet. I’m grateful for the way many of you have responded. Please pray and consider if you can make room in our family for someone new.

This weekend will be lively as we put on display our commitment to a partnership of generations, and our love for the families and kids in our community. Be sure to invite a friend to join you as we experience the beauty of the gospel in community, and anticipate encountering Jesus, becoming more of who He created us to be.



A Note From Kyle

Do you want to get well? The power of Jesus succeeds when the power of man surrenders…

What a beautiful time we shared last weekend as we gathered together to consider this question from Jesus–and then lived it out in community together. I was completely humbled and overwhelmed at the willingness of so many who came forward in faith to pour out their areas of brokenness, and ask for prayer and healing, Each week, we gather as a staff to share stories of God moving in our ministries, and this week, we took time to pray for all of you who courageously came forward. And for those of you who filled out cards, we asked that you experience the presence of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit as you continue walking in your healing.

There is so much happening in our church community this summer – ways to connect in relationship with one another, as well as serving those around us.  I invite you to scroll down through the opportunities listed here in The Compass and see how God prompts you to jump in.

This weekend, we’re continuing our Saturday Night after-service parties, where we get to be with one another and hang out with the friends and family we’re bringing to church. We’ll continue our series, The Bible, where we’ll follow the life of Jesus, and talk about the most dangerous place in the world. You won’t want to miss it. Invite a friend to join you as we move forward through our healing, becoming the people and the church God has called us to be, bringing light and hope to OC and the world!

