A Note From Jeff


About a week-or-so ago, a woman sent us an email requesting prayer for an emergency health situation. Her email was rife with desperation. She was in a moment that was far bigger than she was prepared to handle. She needed something. She needed someone.

The email got forwarded to our prayer team and on to our associate elders. People began praying. Then, people starting trying to figure out ways they could support the family during their time of need. A conversation began about which people, on which days could bring the family a meal. Others began working out solutions to mow lawns that would otherwise go unattended. Some started figuring out when they would make the hospital visit to pray bedside with the family.

This is the church acting like the church.

This is the kind of community to which you belong.

In deep pain and panic, we feel the most vulnerable and the most alone. It’s in those situations where we experience the most profound thirst, not for the explanations as to why things have happened in the way they have. Rather, we come face-to-face with the thirst for relationships — a personal awareness that we’re not alone in whatever it is we face.

While we can’t address every need, in every moment, we can always aim to live more and more in this reality of the church body: a loving community of people seeking ways to address the needs of the needy in our neighborhoods in the name of Jesus.

Honored to be the pastor of such a church,


A Note From Kyle


September is almost over and fall is in full swing. We’ve been talking about this season and the unique opportunity to reset our rhythms around connection with God and one another, and it’s happening! I love that so many of you jumped into Rooted and launched into Life Groups last week, anticipating God’s faithfulness to bring about restoration to our lives and the world around us. I’m grateful for those of you who have sacrificed your seat (and parking space) on Sunday at 11am to make room for someone new to experience the gospel with us.

You’re not going to want to miss this weekend as Kenton launches us into a new series (it would be a little like missing the beginning of a movie:). We’ll have a party on Saturday night, complete with ice cream sundaes, and don’t forget the pancake breakfast before the 9am service on Sunday. Invite your friends and family to join us as we experience the best of what God designed for us.



PS. If you’re still looking for a way to connect this fall, there are always opportunities to serve our church family and our community.

A Note From Caleb


PANCAKE BREAKFAST AFTER ALL SERVICES! A delicious pancake breakfast, by the way. Don’t miss this!

We’re halfway through the Experiment and it’s so fun to see God using this series and book to inspire life-change. People are making decisions, rethinking priorities, and stepping up their walk with God. Share your experience/learnings/excitement with us on video, if there’s a line for pancakes. We’ll have an iPhone or two on the patio after each service.

If you’re not participating yet, it’s not too late! Jump in. Play along. Read along.

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without actions is dead. (James 2:26)

Don’t just hear the truth–take action! Make the most of this Experiment… Make the most of this week!

Sunday’s message and music will inspire you. See you then! (Remember: Eat AFTER the service. Be on time and get your sing-song on!) I’m giving extra credit to anyone who brings a friend and comes to 8:30 or 11:30am.


Listen to past messages here.

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