A Note From Jeff


For college football fans, this is the time of the year where they start sizing up the strength of their teams. Most schools have played two to three games. Armchair quarterbacks are in the process of determining the assets and liabilities of their team. But, college football fans also keep an eye on that “other” team – the crosstown rival.

While Los Angeles has a number of colleges, when it comes to football, you’re one or the other. There can be no middle. You can only love one, not both. I went to one of those colleges; where they teach you to despise the other.

But, I’m supposed to live beyond that kind of pettiness. Right?

This past week, I had dinner at some friends’ house. They’re fans of that other school. When we walked into the kitchen to serve ourselves the dinner on the counter in front of us, we were confronted with a choice. There were two stacks of paper plates upon which we would place our food. One was emblazoned with the other logo and its hideous colors. Another stack was a beaming citadel, by comparison, of unmarked (untarnished) plain paper plates.

I chose the latter. I was the only one eating on the plain plates. The host noticed. I was embarrassed. I owned it. I didn’t pretend like I couldn’t find the other plates. But, I just couldn’t allow my food to be “dirtied” by placing it atop that profane logo. I’m shallow. I know. (To my credit, however, one year on his birthday, I walked into a store and bought our host a nice golf shirt in those colors, with that logo.)

In the first century, as we talked about this past weekend, there were essentially two broad categories of things, people, and places: sacred and profane. Jesus frequently challenged the notion of what was sacred and what was profane. He saw His ministry as one primarily focused those who fell into the profane category. He moved toward them. And, His critics killed Him for it.

But, that was what Jesus meant by being a neighbor. That’s why being a neighbor (in the manner Jesus intended it) is so difficult. It’s also the reason why being  that kind of neighbor can change the world. Last week, we asked the questions: “Where does my love for my neighbor get to stop? Where’s the reasonable upper limit on loving someone else?” So, what does that look like for you?

See you this Sunday,

A Note From Caleb


Have you ever wrestled with what makes you unique? What does God have uniquely for YOU in this life? Join us Sunday for Week 3 of MY NEAR DEATH EXPERIMENT: “Youlogy.” [Eulogy, your unique story – you get it.]

This is the last Sunday to jump into a Rooted Group. Please contact Ericka Goodrich, if you’re still not signed up.

If you’ve done Rooted, but you’re still not connected to a Life Group, go through the “Experiment” with others in our church! Email Mike Myers. He’ll help you jump into an existing group or even start your own.

We’ve had a number of people ask about where their friends and family can buy MY NEAR DEATH EXPERIMENT. We’ll have them each Sunday at church. They are also sold at a discount at myneardeathexperiment.com. And the Kindle version will be up on Amazon any day now.


Listen to past messages here.

Give to Mariners Huntington Beach here.

A Note From Kyle


Are you getting serious with God this season? It was so great to have Kenton back last weekend, leading, teaching, shepherding, inviting, and reminding us that when we get serious with God, He gets serious with us. And as we’re inviting friends and family to join us in experiencing God together, I’m encouraged to hear and see that many of you are remembering to make space at 11a by choosing to come Saturday night at 5p or Sunday at 9a. Let’s continue to love those who aren’t here yet by leaving seats open at the 11a service!

I know many of you are getting serious about becoming all God created you to be as part of His Church here at Mariners because we’ve launched over 800 of you into Rooted groups this past week! WOW! And, for those of you who have already been through Rooted, we’re kicking off our new Life Group season next week…and you won’t want to miss it. For others looking for relationship and community, jump in and serve our church or community. It’s a great way to meet people and hear God speak to you about who He is and what your next step could be. This is the time and the season to establish the rhythms of life that allow us to be all God created us to be!

Invite your friends and neighbors to join us this weekend. Kenton will continue launching us into fall, our friend Crystal Lewis will be back leading us in worship, and the gospel will be on display through those we invite and welcome into community.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

