
A Note From Kyle


What an exciting journey we’re on together traveling through the Gospel of Luke! I love the perspective he offers as an ‘outsider,’ examining the life and teaching of Jesus, reinforcing the certainty of what we hope for. It is amazing to see the relational vibrancy of our church in this season as we invite friends and neighbors to experience the gospel in community. What joy it must bring Him to see so many of you jumping into deeper, honest relationships together, serving one another in tangible ways, and experiencing the fullness of life as He intended.

As I see God at work growing and changing our church community, building His Church, I’m praying for you all. I pray that you would stand firm in Jesus and His voice would be the loudest in your life. There is a very real enemy that is seeking to destroy the beauty of what God is building in and through us.

Bring your friends and join us this weekend as we continue in the Gospel of Luke, and consider how we respond to God. Let’s continue to fight together for the gospel revolution that God is stirring through Mariners.



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