
A Note From Jeff


This is us, Mariners MV:
…A Rooted group chatted with the elderly at Atria del Sol and watched reruns of the Dean Martin show.
…One person decided, after a recent serve-outing, to create a ministry to kids with special needs.
…A handful of guys in a Rooted group, seeing their need for deeper, more meaningful relationships with each other and with Jesus, began connecting beyond their weekly gathering to be supported and strengthened.
…Last Sunday, a number of us stood in prayer-solidarity with those in danger of losing heart.

Jesus is most powerfully made evident in the community of people who gather and serve in His name. It is during these moments where the principles of following Jesus are actualized in the people who follow Him. When the church (the body of Christ) acts in these ways, the story of Jesus is so easily articulated, warmly approachable, and undeniably good. I’m so encouraged by you and your faithfulness to the life Jesus has called us to live.


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