
A Note From Jeff


There are few things that build enthusiasm in a church quite like the contagious generosity of God’s people. Last Sunday, we highlighted the very real needs of people in our community, and our world, launching us into this holiday season — something we call CELEBRATE DIFFERENT.

I joked during our services that the only thing we ought to be hoarding this season (despite all the advertising messages to the contrary) is generosity. People eagerly took grocery bags for those without food during this season. In fact, people took so many, we ran out. After the service, the patio flooded with our people rushing to the Christmas trees, grabbing multiple Christmas gift tags. There was a virtual traffic jam at the Uganda Child Sponsorship table. Our church responded so beautifully to Maher Salhani’s story of how the individual generosity of people really does make a difference. Be sure to be here this Sunday as Maher will recap all of  what we accomplished as a church community during the CELEBRATE DIFFERENT kick-off. The impact — your personal sacrificial impact — is staggering. I am so honored to be a part of Mariners MV.

This weekend, we’ll look at other ways to celebrate differently and we’ll hear from Doug Fields as he teaches, continuing in our OUTSIDERS GUIDE TO JESUS series.

Looking forward to more stories of your continued generosity during this season,


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