
A Note From Kyle


How are you “Celebrating Different”? It was so fun to see you guys swarm the patio this weekend taking full advantage of the opportunity to love, serve, and give differently this season. I’ve heard many stories this week of how our church is intentionally loving our neighbors this season: hosting cookie-decorating parties, dropping off anonymous gifts and encouraging notes, kids helping others in school with tutoring and sports. I can’t wait to see and hear how God spiritually energizes these meaningful gestures and conversations into invitations to be transformed by His power. This season gives us so many opportunities to be in the world; for the world. Let’s continue to be fearless in loving and serving our neighbors.

This weekend we continue in our Outsiders Guide to Jesus series and I’m anticipating a great celebration as we are going provide the opportunity to say yes to Jesus! It’s the opportunity to say “I Believe” that He is who He says He is, and I’m trusting my life to Him. For some of you, perhaps you’ve been wrestling with that question and you’re ready to make that declaration. For others, you know someone who has been wrestling with his/her relationship with God, and following Jesus is the next step in that journey. Either way, be praying for this weekend and love your family, friends, and neighbors by inviting them to join us.



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