A Note From Jeff Pries


Wow, what a great Sunday we had this past weekend! Your generosity was overwhelming; we handed out 195 food bags and saw 178 returned – completely full! That is almost double our goal for Thanksgiving, and of course, the turkeys keep coming in (insert joke here).

We will be giving out almost 200 dinners this Saturday as a way to help meet the needs of our community. Way to go! As part of Celebrate Different, we will continue to have opportunities this season where we get to give back and bless others. What a blessing it is to be part of a great, vibrant church that is focusing on growing closer to Jesus and each other, while making a difference in our community at the same time. As you can see below, there is a lot going on at Mariners Church Ocean Hills. So, invite a friend to and jump into this great adventure God has for us.


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