
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Over 6,000 tags taken from trees representing gifts to change a family’s Christmas story…Over 50 tons of food given to feed the hungry in OC…Over 900 people graduating from Rooted, knowing who God is and their identity in Him more fully…Over 25 people standing to say “I Believe Jesus is Lord”…Over 100 people baptized to acknowledge their faith, trust, and new life in Jesus. We have a lot to celebrate! All of this has taken place in the past week here at Mariners Church Irvine, and I believe it’s because we’re taking our relationship with Jesus seriously, fully living out His command to Love God and love others. When we follow Him, God supernaturally energizes our love and sacrifice to transform the world and restore brokenness. I can’t wait to hear and see the stories of transformation.

My prayer is that you’re continuing to live out the mantra of thankfulness and contentment – “I want what I have, I don’t want any more.” While difficult to do anywhere, but particularly in OC, our lifestyle of thankfulness and contentment makes a profound statement about our priorities – loving and caring for those around us. Let’s walk in “enough” and continue to look for opportunities this season to be generous.

Some of you are traveling to be with family and friends this Thanksgiving – be safe and have fun! For those staying here in OC, I can’t wait to be with you guys this weekend. One of my wise, sage mentors from our church partner in Sri Lanka, Pastor Adrian, will be with us and we’ll have a couple other surprises as well. Bring some friends as we gather to remember and celebrate who God is together this weekend…



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