A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


The much-anticipated Christmas season is coming to a close – trees, lights, decorations will come down, and the aftermath of parties and presents will fade as post-Christmas and new year sales start to dominate the voice of culture. The world will stop listening to and singing the songs of Christmas as the joy and wonder of the season fades away until next year. But does it have to? As followers of Jesus, maybe this is the time that we (the Church) continue to live out the truth and hope of Christmas in a world that so desperately wants and needs the healing and freedom that only Jesus can bring. Let’s continue to fearlessly become all of who God designed us to be as His children, and look for opportunities to love and invite people into the fullness of a relationship with Jesus and His Church.

I’m excited for this weekend as we gather again to remember and celebrate who God is and all He has done. This is a perfect season to invite friends and neighbors still wondering about the depth and truth of Christmas. And as we’ve talked in our weekend services throughout December about the importance of giving, I know many of you are still prayerfully listening about responding to God financially. I’m praying and believing that as you listen, God will speak and invite you to trust Him more, and as we all respond courageously, we will put the abundant love and kindness of Jesus on display throughout OC and the world.



A Note From Jeff Pries


We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas. It was especially fun being with all of you who joined us for Christmas Eve services – it really is one of my favorite services of the year. There is a small part of me that gets a little sad because it’s now time to start taking down all of the marks of Christmas – the trees and the ornaments. But of course, we hold onto the fact that the gift of Christmas, Jesus, is with us always. Christmastime is a lot about family. I love that we are family and can celebrate together.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


I hope you had a merry and meaningful Christmas!

As you read this, I’m probably in a comatose state–having preached 7 times in three days. But that’s okay, I love it! I love it because of what God does. He brought hundreds of new people, many of which prayed new prayers of faith and commitment. God is changing lives in our community, and not only do we get to witness it–we get to play a part in it!

So, I’m grateful as we close out 2013. I’m grateful for my family, for our friends, for our church, and specifically FOR YOU.

I thank my God every time I remember you… Philippians 1:3

You help to make our church what it is–in big and small ways. And my prayer for you in this new year is simple: That God would take you further and deeper into His love.

May God bless you.


P.S.: Remember, if it’s Sunday, our church is meeting together. Same service times: 8:30, 10:00, 11:30a.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


By now, the hysteria of Christmas is beginning to wind down (we hope, anyways). We’re wearing the news clothes and playing with all the new toys. Some of us are faced with the challenge of  returning that new sweater vest with the Elvis/Santa emblazoned on the chest to a mall full of people looking to find one more deal in after-Christmas sales all the while avoiding the potential hurt feelings of people who were convinced the sweater was a sure-fire hit. The refrigerator is full of left-overs and, somewhere on the horizon, our “normal” lives are starting to take shape.

But, that’s where all the real meaning of Christmas comes to bear on our lives: when television stations are no longer airing the endless loop of the burning yule log and radio stations’ “sounds of the season” simply means “our normal broadcast of easy listening hits.”  That’s where all the implications of Jesus at Christmas become real. Because, it’s in our normal lives: the going to work, solving problems, mowing the lawn, and handling the stuff of life where being someone who follows Jesus, matters. No longer is life about getting ready for Christmas. Instead, it’s about living in it — about living with Him.

Therein lies the challenge. What does it mean to Christmas when the world relegates Jesus to little more than a seasonal decoration and a kind of Disney-mystical wizard responsible for something called “Christmas magic?”

So… Merry Christmas,

What’s Your Celebrate Different Story?

celebrate christmas differently

As a church, we have been celebrating differently this holiday season, and we’re amazed at your creativity! Thank YOU for your generous participation in Celebrate Different and for making a difference in our communities! Please share with us how you chose to Give, Serve, and Love differently this Thanksgiving and Christmas by leaving a comment at celebratedifferent.org/love