
A Note From Jeff Maguire


People love to be invited. Your friends and neighbors who know you have a church home at Christmas Eve want to be included in it. In fact, they’ll wonder why you didn’t think to include them. Christmas is one of the rare times in the world where people make a gap in their schedule to consider Jesus. Remember that the miracle of Christmas isn’t that there were angels, or stars, or kings, or dangerous journeys, or donkeys, or Myrrh (whatever that is).

The miracle of Christmas is that God, the One who authored the creation of the universe, comes to walk among us — not the privileged few with unblemished pasts and perfect families. But, us, real us: the people struggling to cobble together a life of joy and hope amid real pain and real need. Who is it that you could include in the experience of Christmas this season at Mariners MV? Merry Christmas.

See you on Sunday,

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