A Note From Caleb Anderson


I hope you had a merry and meaningful Christmas!

As you read this, I’m probably in a comatose state–having preached 7 times in three days. But that’s okay, I love it! I love it because of what God does. He brought hundreds of new people, many of which prayed new prayers of faith and commitment. God is changing lives in our community, and not only do we get to witness it–we get to play a part in it!

So, I’m grateful as we close out 2013. I’m grateful for my family, for our friends, for our church, and specifically FOR YOU.

I thank my God every time I remember you… Philippians 1:3

You help to make our church what it is–in big and small ways. And my prayer for you in this new year is simple: That God would take you further and deeper into His love.

May God bless you.


P.S.: Remember, if it’s Sunday, our church is meeting together. Same service times: 8:30, 10:00, 11:30a.

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