Women’s Christmas Brunch


Celebrate the Christmas season with the women of Mariners HB! After the brunch, we’ll be offering a serve opportunity where we’ll decorate baskets for single moms.

Saturday, December 7
10a-12p (brunch), $30
12-2p (optional serve opportunity)
at Huntington Harbour Yacht Club (3821 Warner Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92649)

Contact hbwomen@marinerschurch.org with questions.

Faith Adventure Celebration


Join us to hear stories and see pictures from the recent Faith Adventure team in Haiti. Come and hear about their experiences as well as the amazing updates on what God is doing in Haiti. Two dorms have been completed in our Glory Glory home project and 26 of the 52 kids we support have been able to move in. We will also be sharing next steps on how to be involved in the Haiti Ministry. RSVP to Pamela.

Sunday, December 8, 12:30-2p, Life Dev. Bld, r208