
A Note From Caleb Anderson


Did you know??

Did you know that almost half of American New Year’s Resolutions are about relationships? (After dieting, exercise, self-discipline…)

Did you know that the top regret a person has toward the end of his/her life has to do with broken or neglected relationships?

Did you know that researchers have indicated for years that the primary driver of happiness and longevity of life is correlated to the quality of one’s relationships?

Our teaching series called A Beautiful Mess starts this Sunday, January 12. In it we’ll explore how being more intentional about your relationships will change your life–friendships, dating relationships, marriage, parenting…

Even if you’re heart-broken, burnt-out on relationships, or just not the “touchy-feely” type, A Beautiful Mess is still for you…and for your friends.

Bring someone who’s hurting. Bring someone who’s confused. Bring someone who just wants a date. I believe God will speak to us all and will heal hearts and lives.

We were designed to do life TOGETHER!

See you Sunday…


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