
A Note From Jeff Pries


From all of us at Ocean Hills, we hope that this past year has been a blessing for all of you, and we pray that you will have a sense of God’s leading in your life this year. As a church it has been quite a year, and we are excited for all that God has in store in this next season. This past weekend we started our new series called Heroes. In life, we all look for heroes and at the same time, we have a desire in one way or another to be heroic. The Bible is full of heroes, some are obvious, some are incredibly unlikely. Either way, we have a lot to learn from the many courageous men and women in the Bible. This series will inspire us to live in new and courageous ways. I can’t wait to experience this with you!

And, don’t forget to pick up the Daily Message, our 2014 annual read. What a great commitment to make in the new year!


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