
Annual Read: Reflection, Week 3


Our hope is that you have decided to join us in reading through God’s Word this year! Each week, we want to encourage you in your reading by offering some thoughts for reflection. If you have not started reading with us, it is not too late! You can jump in anytime! There are still copies available at the bookstore, if you stop by after service, or get an e-version.

Daily Message, Reflection Week 3
As we have been reading Genesis, we see stories of God initiating interaction with His creation, and even His patience with them as they disobey, rebel, and run from Him. God ultimately cannot have His creation ruled by sin, it would destroy itself. Therefore, He acts out of love in attempts to rescue and restore.

This week we have been reading through the story of Jacob, whose name is changed to Israel (“one who wrestles with God”). In Genesis 32:7-12, Jacob is returning home after some time away and knows he is about to face his older brother from whom he’s stolen his father’s blessing and tricked him out of his inheritance. Needless to say, he is worried about his brother’s response. Jacob is afraid for his life! His bigger brother has hundreds of men with him and is coming towards him and his family. Jacob begins to pray in verse 7. Throughout our reading, we have seen God work. From Adam to Abraham and Noah to Jacob, God has answered prayers and kept promises. In response, these people have placed markers and named places to remember and declare God’s faithfulness. Now, Jacob is in need and begins to call on God. He reminds Him of His promises, declares how God has been faithful and petitions God to continue to be faithful.

It is so important for us to do things that will remind us of God’s faithfulness. If we are people that are constantly declaring what we are grateful for, even when we encounter trials and difficulty, we are able to walk forward trusting in God’s faithfulness because we know that He is trustworthy.

What are some ways that you can remind yourself of God’s faithfulness this week?

Is there an area of your life that you are afraid to return to and let God bring redemption?

What would it look like for you to trust God and walk forward?

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