The Point Winter Kickoff Party

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Join us for a special night of food, special music and lots of fun as we kick off our Winter session of The Point! The Point is a ministry for Young Adults and Singles at Mariners Church. We are committed to deepening our relationship with God and and each other while pursuing our purpose in life! We meet in the Community Center on Thursday evenings from 7-9p starting January 15 through March 26. For more info and to register, click here.

Thursday, January 15, 7-9p
Community Center

A Note From Jeff Maguire


We spent New Year’s Eve at a neighborhood party of families like our own. All the parents hovered over a table of hors d’oeuvres, eating pot stickers and potato skins, tiny chimichangas and hot wings, all the while remaining unswerving in our commitment to make 2014 the year we eat only “jicama and tofu.” Our kids jumped in a rented bounce house in the dark, periodically reminding the rest of us that it may not have been the safest unsupervised decision (one kid got a visit from the tooth fairy on New Year’s Eve as a result of a collision).

But, it IS the new year. Now, the New Year’s resolution mania is gaining momentum. Even in the face of incredibly dismal success rates (one study reported that only 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolution goals), people still make them. People want a chance to start over, to make things new, to improve. Over and over again, studies indicate that people with clear plans, achievable goals, and accountability see monumental increases in chances for success.

So, consider this very unsurprising resolution from the pastor: read the Bible. I know you nearly fainted from the shock of that idea — a pastor… the Bible. Reading the Bible won’t give you “sculpted” abs, it won’t help you come into money, and it won’t grow back any hair you lost in 2013. But, it will rightly orient your heart toward God. If the notion of reading the entire Bible is too daunting, start with reading a portion of it. If you’re following along in the Daily Message (available at the Global Bookstore), read the entire daily read or just one part of it. If you’ve never read the Bible, read a little. If you’ve read a little, read a little more. For the mobile tech savvy, download the free YouVersion Bible app and start this reading plan called “Discipleship Journal’s Book-at-a-Time Reading Plan” (it follows the same breakdown as the Mariners Daily Message Bible). You can do it. We can do it.

Yesterday, on Day 1 of the plan, we read this: “…You thrill to God’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. You’re a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom.” Psalm 1:2-3 [MSG]

Might that be our experience of living in God’s Word during 2014.

See you this Sunday,

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Happy New Year! Have you been enjoying this season – spending time with one another and taking advantage of the unbelievable weather we’ve been having? Hopefully you’re finding time in the midst of it all to rest and listen to what God might be inviting you into this year. I believe He has incredible plans for our church and community, and I’m looking forward to living out this year with you all.

This weekend, we’ll be kicking off the new year with a special guest you’re not going to want to miss as he challenges and aims us at 2014 together. And have you been enjoying the Daily Message? I love that we’re reading through the Bible together. And if you haven’t jumped in yet, pick up a Bible in the bookstore this weekend and join us! I know God wants to speak to us through His Word to bring comfort, wisdom, and encouragement – strengthening us to fearlessly follow Jesus together.

Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend…



A Note From Caleb Anderson



Here’s a free New Year’s Resolution tip:

Don’t settle just for goals. Create systems!

Goal: I want to participate in Mariners’ annual Bible read.
System: I’m going to wake up each morning at 6:30a and read in the chair in my bedroom for 15 minutes.

Goal: I want to eat fewer carbs.
System: I’m going to shop on Mondays and plan my meals for the week.

Clear, practical steps take you from vision to reality.

Here’s a clear, practical step for you: be at church on Sunday. And start thinking of your friends who are in relationship turmoil (dating, marriage, parenting…). We start a bold new series called “Beautiful Mess” Jan 12.

Blessings to you in this new year. It will be a good one. God has our church on a good ride!
