
A Note From Caleb Anderson


So, it’s February. And perhaps you’re thinking, “2014 is off to a pretty good start…My pastor’s talking about healthy relationships, I’m about to get a decent tax return, and despite the polar vortex, I’m living in the sunshine!”

Guess what? It’s about to get even better.

Friday Night: Date Night. Married couples, dating couples, couples with kids, couples without kids…This is for YOU. You’re going to arrive at the Central Library Theater at 6-6:15pm. I’m going say a few things about why dates are so important… then I’m going to give you an assignment–complete with a table card–and send you out to your place of choice. (In the meantime, we’ll watch the kids–see details below.) Don’t miss this opportunity to honor your significant other.

Sunday Morning: Parenting + Pancakes. Even if you’re not a parent you need to hear 5 Things Every Kids Needs from Adults. Plus, we’re serving another quality Pancake breakfast in the parking lot. Invite a few young families you know.

Next Weekend: Next Sunday (2/16) is the most significant message of the series. Plan ahead to attend.

Your Mariners Church staff and leader pray for you and thank God for you regularly.


P.S.: catch up on past messages here
P.P.S.: give to Mariners HB here

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