
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Will you join me in loving OC?

I want every single person who interacts with kids – parents, teachers, coaches, friends, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles (you get the idea) – to know that the next 3 weeks at Mariners Church are going to be amazing! Doug Fields will be here to give biblical wisdom and practical insight in the most relevant way that promises to bring healing, hope, and transformation into our relationships as we walk with the next generation(s). I gathered our team earlier this week and we prayed that every family in OC would hear about this, believing that God is faithful and when we show up, He shows up in powerful and surprising ways. Please pray with us and invite your friends and neighbors (you can forward an invitation from the link below) to be a part of the story God is writing here.

Also this weekend – I would love for you to join us this Sunday Night as we worship and pray together as One Church.  God is at work, and the way we join Him is through prayer and worship. Central to the heart of God, worship is our way through this world as we celebrate all that He is doing, and as we seek Him to meet us in our places of need.

I can’t wait to see you and meet your friends and family this weekend as we journey together…



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