
A Note From Jeff Pries


As we continue in the series Heroes, last week was great as we talked about the idea of seeing ourselves like God sees us, and not how we are seen by others, or how we see ourselves. I felt like last week was a powerful moment for us as a church. It was inspiring to see people heroically stand up and share the new name that God had given them. Many people either did not have the opportunity to share, or did not feel like God had given them a name at that very moment. So, if that’s you – we want to give you the opportunity to share your name. Please feel free to reply to this email and share the name that God has given you, and why you feel God has called you to that name. Or, you can email it to us.

We’ll continue to learn this week about what it means for us to live a heroic lifestyle. We look forward to seeing you.

Take care,

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