
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


What is God stirring in your life this week? For me, I was challenged by the message last weekend and felt God was inviting me to step into who He created me to be by having some serious fun! Growing up, my view of God was that He was incredibly serious and would therefore want me to be incredibly serious. He never laughed or smiled, let alone smirked or laughed with me about funny things in life. It’s beautiful to continue to be challenged and have my view of God expanded, learning and discovering more about who He is and who I am.

I’ve loved meeting your friends and family who have been joining you for this Beautiful Mess series. Invite them back and join us this weekend as Doug Fields will be here for the last of three weeks on how we raise and relate to kids. And don’t forget to sign up for our relationship Fight Night.

It’s an encouraging and challenging journey we’re on, and I’m so grateful we get to do this together.



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