
A Note From Jeff Maguire


I can’t pretend – at least not at the moment. As I’m working my way through Leviticus in the Daily Message, I’m not necessarily awash with inspiration. I know, I’m supposed to find every single instance of God’s Word to be brimming with personal meaning. But, if I’m honest, I’m merely working through it. I don’t remember all the specific provisions for how to properly make a grain offering for the priests. No, I can’t say I recall exactly what the priests are supposed to do with someone who suffers from an oozing skin lesion.

But, in the middle of all the regulation and unending lists of which animals with “cloven hooves” the Israelites are allowed to eat, there was this:

31“Do what I tell you; live what I tell you. I am God.
32-33“Don’t desecrate my holy name. I insist on being treated with holy reverence among the People of Israel. I am God who makes you holy and brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am God.” – Leviticus 22:31-33

In this passage he sums up all of what he intends for his people: “…live what I tell you. I am God.” In other words, “I’m the one who rescues you. I’m the one who establishes the ways in which I am to be remembered and celebrated. I’m the one who establishes how you’ll live. I’m the one who calls you to live uniquely in the world. I’m God – you’re not”.

God is so confusing. He says things I don’t like. He acts in anger one moment. He moves in compassion and mercy the next. God may hold the universe together, but He also permits a number of things to be present in the world that I wish He’d deal with in a more timely manner. But, while I might choose to challenge God in this idea – I’m not him. I don’t get to be God (though, I might try to act like it every now and again).

In everything, I’m challenged to love and serve people that God loves – even people I might not like. I’m called to live a life of obedience, even when it marks me as a bizarre outsider to the rest of the world. I’m supposed to stop play-acting God’s role in my world – even though the world is His to begin with.

This week, we continue in our relationship series called, BEAUTIFUL MESS. We’ll be challenged and encouraged. Next Sunday, March 9th, we’ll hold a healing service as we join God in restoring broken and messy relationships back to the beauty He intends.

See you Sunday,


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