
Annual Read Week 10


We are out of Leviticus and back into the Psalms and stating the book of Hebrews.

You made it through, and if you have not I would recommend skipping ahead and joining us on the current date.

The first part of Hebrews is in part addressing those that would want to hold to tightly to Moses as the leader of the faith to the exclusion of what Jesus did, while at the same time helping those that would be happy to just forget about Moses remember what God had done through him. The writer wants to say Moses matters but Jesus matters even more.

Hebrews 3:7-13 quotes and reflects on Psalm 95. The author wants us to be reminded that we are called to pay attention to what God is doing today, to not be overly focused on tomorrow.

As you read this section again, reflect on a time that you where encouraged and how it made you feel?

Is there a time in your life that you experienced your own heart hardening? Spend some time considering what it takes for you to remain focused on what God is up to in your life.

Grace and Peace,

Cole Beshore

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