
A Note From Caleb Anderson


Let me summarize this week, in terms of church tradition…

Fat Tuesday: over-indulge to the point of gluttonous regret

Ash Wednesday: commit to going without and sacrificing some comfort “for Lent”

Thursday: wrestle with why you chose to go without the thing you gave up and argue with yourself about whether it’s possible

What’s the point?

Why do rational people participate in “Lent” — the 40 Days leading up to EASTER?

The hope is that we tune our hearts, preparing to hear from God in an effort not miss out on whatever God has for us in this Easter season–the central focal point of the story of our faith.

Don’t miss this: The point of Lent is not to sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice… but to replace some comfort with an awareness that God is near.

In other news, I’m launching a new series called “How to Start a Revolution”–based in the book of Luke. I think these next 40 days could be powerful for you.

See you soon…


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