A Note From Caleb Anderson


Everyone likes the idea of generosity. In fact, everyone likes the outcomes of generosity, too. It’s just pulling the trigger—writing the check, giving the gift, forgiving the debt, serving in a humble way—that trips us up.

Sunday our church took an iPad offering… 100% of which goes to other organizations doing good in our community.


And it doesn’t just go to other orgs…it’s already gone! I delivered the checks on Tuesday. (We’re fast.) And it was amazing!!

The gratitude… the joy… the amazement… the hope… the tears…

Don’t miss Sunday. I’m going to give you a glimpse of the privilege that was mine to deliver your tangible generosity. It was a slice of heaven—heaven on earth—and you played a role.

And we’re just getting started…


P.S.: I’m excited about my message this weekend. It will be relevant to EVERYONE—at least everyone who is honest with themselves. Bring a friend.

P.S.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

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