Annual Read Week 12


God is continuing to shape Israel into his people as we read through the book of Numbers. He is breaking them of their desire for slavery and calling on them to trust in Him alone. However, the Israelites repeatedly forget what God has done and they turn to fear. They don’t trust that God will provide for them in the desert, and they don’t trust that God will deliver on His promises. Still, God does not abandon them as His chosen people and He continues to show them that He is good and trustworthy!

As we read further, God has now shown the people the land that was promised to their ancestors, that He delivers them into by His mighty hand. It is wonderful to reflect and to see God’s patience with such a wayward group, especially in light of my own waywardness.

Read Psalm 37 taking the words to heart.
What fears does this Psalm alleviate for you?

What is one place you can place your trust back on God this week?

Cole Beshore

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